【2019-2020学年广东省佛山市禅城区八年级(上)期末英语试卷】-第1页 试卷格式:2019-2020学年广东省佛山市禅城区八年级(上)期末英语试卷.PDF
1.Japan is ______ island country and fishing is ______ big part of its culture.
  • A. a; an
  • B. an; the
  • C. an; a
  • D. the; the
2.—I called you at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. But no one answered.
—Sorry. I ____with my friends.
  • A. swim
  • B. swam
  • C. am swimming
  • D. was swimming
3._____ exciting the football game was!
  • A. How
  • B. How an
  • C. What
  • D. What an
4.Children under 12 ______ sit alone in the front seat of the car. It's a law.
  • A. couldn't
  • B. mustn't
  • C. needn't
  • D. might not
5.—I don't feel like cooking tonight.
—____eating out tonight?
  • A. You should
  • B. It's a good idea
  • C. How about
  • D. Why not
6. Many people use post — it notes (便利贴) every day. But maybe no one uses them (1)       than Rob Bidulph.
Rob is an artist (艺术家) from London. Four years ago, his daughter Poppy (2)       school. But Poppy didn't like to stay in the school for lunch. (3)       his little girl happy, Rob drew a picture (4)       a post — it note and put it on her lunchbox, so she knew that her father was thinking of (5)       . Poppy loved it very much.
7. Ittleby Fein was a middle school student in America. He is good-looking and cute. When things went wrong with people around, he always had something (1)       to say to cheer them.
When Dad (2)       about the pizza in the oven and it burned (烤焦), Ittleby said, "It'll (3)       taste good. Don't worry." And he was (4)       . The pizza edges (边) were dark, (5)       the middle wasn't bad.
When Ittleby's friend David got a low (6)       on the spelling test, Ittleby said, "Don't (7)       , You'll do better next time." And, sure enough, David got 100 percent the next week after he (8)       hard When his teacher, Mr. Dough knocked down a pile of books to the ground in the library, Ittleby said, "Don't worry. Mrs. Bog won't be (9)       ." Look! Mrs. Bog just laughed and helped (10)        the books.
Ittleby always looked on the bright side. He said, "Sometimes good things will hide itself and come after the bad things. So just don't lose heart (灰心) easily."
8. Kindle, Nook or Ipad? How should we choose the right e-book reader?
Price: ﹩139
Weight: 289g
Page Size: 6 inches (e-ink screen)In it there can be over 390, 000 books to choose from. You can also read international newspapers and magazines. Click here for more. 
Price: ﹩148
Weight: 196g
Page Size: 6 inches (e-ink screen)
It is similar to Kindle in many ways. The e-ink screen is muchbetter for eyes than the traditional computer or desk screen. Click here for more. 
Apple iPad
Price: ﹩499
Weight: 780g
Page size:9. 7 inches (Full-colour touch LCD screen)
It can work as a tablet computer as well as an e-book reader. Many young people use it to watch videos. Click here for more 
Price: ﹩249
Weight: 448g
Page Size: 7 inches (full-color touch LCD screen)
It not only offers books, magazines and newspapers, but it can also be used as a video player. Click here for more 
9. Have you ever heard of an avalanche (雪崩)? The avalanches is a kind of sudden natural disaster like earthquakes. During an avalanche a lot of snow and ice rush down the mountain. As they rush, the snow and ice move faster and faster. In fact, snow from an avalanche can move as fast as two hundred miles an hour. That is three times faster than a car on a highway!
Most avalanches happen after big storms. In the mountains like the Alps and the Himalayas, there is snow and ice all year round. After big storms, new snow puts more pressure (压力) on the snow that is already in the mountains. It can make the old snow rush down.
Avalandches are very dangerous. Heavy snow moving down the mountains may pull trees and rocks along. That can cause great damage, such as pushing down houses and killing people. Luckily, no one lives in the mountains where avalanches are easy to happen. So not many people die from avalanches each year.
Most people who may lose their lives in avalanches are ski (滑雪) lovers. It's important for them to stay safe while having fun in the snore mountains. Scientists can usually tell whether (是否) an avalanche might happen or not. If you are a ski lover, remember to pay attention to scientists' warnings before you go skiing.
10.配对阅读左栏是五个人物简介, 右栏是七个活动. 请根据这五个人的信息, 选出他们将要参加的活动.
1.        Anna is very busy with her job. She often feels nervous and tired. She hopes to do some exercise to relax herself at weekends.
2.       Maria comes from Australia. Now she is studying in Guangzhou University. She is very happy in China. But she is getting fatter and fatter because of eating too much delicious Chinese food. So she'd like to find a way to keep fit in her free time.
3.       Bill has won the first prize in the National English Speech Contest. He is going to invite his classmates to a place to have a celebration and fun.
4.       Lisa is a smart girl studying in a university. She does well in all her subjects except Computer Science. Now she has made up her mind to improve her computer lesson because it is necessary for many jobs.
5.       Jimmy is a middle school student. He loves nature and has a wide interest. He is especially interested in visiting some places where there are lots of animals and plants. 
There are many free computer learning materials here. There are levels from low beginners to high beginners, from simple computer using articles to computer operating videos. You certainly can find what you need.
B. Night Adventure
Put on your warm clothes, and come for a night walk along the Wild Animal Park. A guide will lead the tour. Many of the animals you'll see on this trip can only be seen at nigh. Call 86791286 to join us
C. Lohas Art Gallery
You can learn the skills of painting a bird, flower, or person with brushes. Tools and materials are provided. We have both day and night lessons. Tel: 67816279.
D. Nineteen Cafe
This is a good place to enjoy wide choices for different kinds of parties. We will offer freshly﹣made dessert, hot drinks and dishes. And you can decorate(装饰)your party as you like. Here you can find good service and great fun.
E. The Keto Diet Program
The two﹣month program helps you discover how to be thin and healthy with a very low﹣cart, high﹣fat diet!Call us at 75763457 to get more information.
F. Butterfly Club
Join Butterfly Club, the professional Yoga center! Yoga is a good way to stretch your bodies and relax your minds. Unlike ball games or climbing, it doesn't exhaust you, especially after five days of work
G. A Speech of Science&Health
Is it possible to build up our health without much exercise? This weekend Dr. Cheung will tell you how massage helps you improve your health and relax your body in an easy way. 
11..Use              (楼梯) when you want to leave a building on fire.
12.No one wants to live in a world full of              (污染)
13. Please speak              (大声地), so people at the back can hear you.
14.Don't be              (害羞的). Come and say hello to Mrs Johns.
15. I'm afraid I can't              (同意) you.
16..J. K. Rowling              (以. .. .. .闻名) her books of Harry Potter.
17. It is important to              (热身) before doing long running.
18.  Here is an interesting question. How 1.             can an apple stay fresh in the fridge? Maybe just three or four weeks. But there 2.             a new type of apples in the US. 3.             can last (保持) for as long as one year!
4.             apple is called Cosmic Crisp (宇宙脆). It still tastes sweet and juicy even after it has been put in the fridge for a year.
  The scientists in Washington State University studied 5.             grew this new type of apple. It 6.             them over 20 years to produce it. It is going to be on 7.             this month. You can buy it in the supermarket of the US. Do you want to have a 8.             on this new apple?
19. I am Daisy Jones. At about 8:30 this morning, I was walking on Ocean Road when a boy on a bike passed me quickly. The road was empty at that time so the boy kept riding in the middle.
Suddenly a car appeared. It passed me, then followed the boy for a while. It tried to pass the boy several times but failed. The driver began to sound the horn (鸣笛). However, it seemed that the boy didn't hear it. He was probably listening to music with earplugs (耳塞)! That was terrible.
Suddenly the car speeded up and passed the boy. Unluckily it hit the boy. The boy fell off his bike onto the road. But the car did not stop. It continued on its way. I believe the driver knew he had hit the boy because I saw him look back from the window.
The car was quite old. It was a red Ford Escort. But its number plate (车牌) was so dirty that I couldn't see its number. The driver was a man with long hair. He wasn't old but I can't guess his age.
I ran to the boy mid saw he was badly hurt. So I called the police at once. They soon arrived. The boy was sent to the hospital at once. I told a police officer what I had seen. She asked me to make a statement at the police station.
20.请根据写作要点完成作文, 并将答案填写在相应的横线上.
假定你是Daming, 是学校英语校刊Young Forever的记者, 就上文的交通事故给校刊的"安全"专栏写一篇文章, 谈谈自己的意见和建议, 内容包括:
1. 你对该事故的看法;
2. 谈谈身边有哪些容易造成交通事故的不良行为(两种)(骑车听歌、在马路中间骑单车除外);
3. 呼吁遵守交通法规, 注意交通安全.
1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名.
2. 语句连贯, 词数70个左右. 开头己经给出, 不计入总词数.
  Recently, a boy was hit by a car when he was riding a bike on Ocean Road. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________