【2022年河北省邯郸市中考英语三模试卷】-第1页 试卷格式:2022年河北省邯郸市中考英语三模试卷.PDF
1.Cathy always makes good use of her time to study, even _______ her lunch break.
  • A. around
  • B. during
  • C. from
  • D. between
2.I love my hometown as much as you love ______.
  • A. ours
  • B. hers
  • C. theirs
  • D. yours
3.We should take the rest of the food home ______ we can't finish what we order.
  • A. if
  • B. so
  • C. unless
  • D. until
4.Mom is cooking chicken soup. It ______ so good.
  • A. sounds
  • B. tastes
  • C. smells
  • D. feels
5.—Are you going to the airport by bus?
—I'd rather take a taxi. It's ______.
  • A. quicker
  • B. cheaper
  • C. the quickest
  • D. the cheapest
6.I fell down a few times when I learned to skate at first. But now I ______ fall down.
  • A. always
  • B. often
  • C. sometimes
  • D. seldom
7.Thanks for lending me your camera. I ______ it to you on time.
  • A. return
  • B. returned
  • C. have returned
  • D. will return
8.—Did you have a welcome party for Laura last night?
—No, we didn't. It was ______ because Laura was in hospital.
  • A. put off
  • B. taken off
  • C. cut off
  • D. turned off
9.Jenny is a responsible person, so she ______ as the volunteer leader in our community a few days ago.
  • A. chooses
  • B. chose
  • C. is chosen
  • D. was chosen
10.Mr. Smith will check our homework this afternoon, but I ______ it.
  • A. don't finish
  • B. won't finish
  • C. didn't finish
  • D. haven't finished
11.  Tom is like any other teenager. He goes to school, does his homework, meets his friends and enjoys doing sports. But between 5:30 , and 6:30 from Monday to Friday. Tom does something (1)      . He cooks dinner for his. family.
  "I think it's important for teenagers to learn how to cook. They need some other (2)      to help them in today's world. First I taught Tom how to (3)       easy meals like pizza or chips. Then he started using recipes (食谱) in my cooking books. Yesterday he made vegetable soup. It was very good!"Tom's mum said.
  "I love cooking and I think I'm (4)       good at it. None of my friends cook. I don't know (5)      . It isn't difficult and it's great fun! ?Tom said.
  In the (6)      , Tom didn't help out at home and his mum wasn't very happy with him. Today he cooks and she is very happy.
  Children's cooking makes the whole family happy and there are also other (7)       for it.
  Cut down on picky (挑剔的) eating. Even the pickiest eaters will come around to trying new foods if they take (8)       in cooking them. If you've got a picky eater, bring him or her into the kitchen. Be patient — (9)       it doesn't work right away, it will at last!Be creative. Kids love getting to help (10)       what's for dinner, what goes in the fruit salad, or just about any other part of the meal. Older kids can be creative in recipe development and food showing.
12.  Volunteering can be a wonderful experience. You can help out at an organization, and it can benefit (使受益) you too. Four students are talking about their volunteering stories.
Elliott: I began volunteering with Berkeley Animal Shelter at age 12. I helped get cats adopted (收养), cleaned up after them, fed them, and gave them love and attention. I really feel like I've made a difference. There's nothing like watching a cat go out the door with a happy, new pet parent.
Elle: I volunteered for the Native Plant Society at age 14. I helped save the local plants. I actively worked on making it happen. Volunteering made me a better person. I realized I could do more than I thought.
Kenny: When I was 15 years old, I volunteered on Earth Day by helping clean up a local beach. We really don't realize how much rubbish is produced every day. Volunteering on the beach taught me that it was important to keep our beaches clean and helped me learn about different sea animals.
Laura: My dad asked me to volunteer at our local Meal on Wheels when I was 13 years old. We volunteered every Saturday morning by sending hot meals to some old people in our town. They were unable to make their own food. This experience made me think a lot more about other people and their needs.
13.  I never had an enemy until Jeremy moved into our neighborhood. He moved here last week and lived next door to my best friend Stanley. I did not like Jeremy. He had a party and he didn't invite me. But he invited my best friend Stanley.
  Dad told me that when he was my age, he had enemies too. But he knew of a way to make them go away. "The Enemy Pie," he said.
  Dad made the pie for me. It smelled really good, and it looked good enough to eat. "What exactly does it do to enemies? Can it make their hair fall out?" I asked.
  Dad said, "In order for it to work, you need to spend a day with your enemy. Even worse, you have to be nice to him. It's not easy. But that's the only way that the enemy pie can work. Are you sure you want to do this?" Of course I was.
  I rode my bike to Jeremy's house and knocked at the door. When Jeremy opened the door, he seemed surprised. I invited him to come out and play. We rode bikes for a while. And then ate lunch together. After lunch, we went over to my house. It was strange but I was having fun with enemy.
  We played games until my dad called us for dinner. Dad had made my favorite food. It was Jeremy's favorite too. Maybe the enemy wasn't so bad after all. When dad took out the enemy pie I didn't want Jeremy to have it! "Don't worry," dad said. "Now it has become a friend pie!"
14.What you need:
●Cold water in a clear glass
●Hot water in a clear glass
●Spoon for stirring (搅拌)
What to do:
●Make sure the glasses have the same amount of water.
●Put an amount of sugar into the cold water and stir it with the spoon until the sugar disappears. Repeat this process (remembering to count the amount of sugar you put into the water) until the sugar stops dissolving (溶解). At this point, the sugar starts to gather at the bottom of the glass rather than dissolving.
●Write down how much sugar you could dissolve in the cold water.
●Repeat the same process in the hot water, and then compare the amount of sugar dissolved in each glass. Which dissolved more?
What's happening?
  The cold water isn't able to dissolve as much sugar as the hot water. Sugar dissolves in the hot water three times as fast as in the cold water. But why?Another name for the liquids inside the glasses is a"solution" . When this solution can no longer dissolve sugar, it becomes a"saturated (饱和的) solution" This means that sugar starts forming at the bottom of the glass.
  The reason why the hot water dissolves more is that it has faster moving molecules (分子) which are spread further apart than the molecules in the cold water. With bigger gaps between the molecules in the hot water, more sugar molecules can fit in between them.
15.  Three Chinese astronauts of the Shenzhou-13 manned spaceship have completed their six-month space station mission (任务). And they returned to Earth safely on April 16, 2022. The mission marks that China has completed the check of key technologies of the space station. And it also sets a record for Chinese astronauts' duration in orbit (在轨时长).
  Three astronauts were carried out one by one by ground workers and placed onto chairs. They looked relaxed and waved (挥手) to the ground people.
  "I am feeling very good. We want to report to the motherland and the people that we have successfully completed the Shenzhou XⅢ mission, " said Zhai Zhigang, one of three astronauts, during a live program. "It is the power and strength of our country that built the high-flying space station. I am proud of my great motherland," he added.
  Wang Yaping is the first Chinese woman to board Tiangong and the first female Chinese space-walker. She said that she was very happy to return to the motherland and wanted to tell her young daughter that her stars﹣picking mom was back.
  Ye Guangfu, a newcomer to space, said that he has realized his dream of flying into space.
  During their space journey, the astronauts carried out two spacewalks that totalled more than 12 hours. They also gave two science classes for Chinese students. In one experiment, Wang used a toy of Bing Dwen Dwen to show how objects move slowly in a weightless environment.
  This year, China will complete the in-orbit construction of its space station. It has planned six launch missions, including the launching of two lab modules (实验舱) Mengtian and Wentian, two cargo crafts (货运飞船) Tianzhou-4 and Tianzhou-5, and two crewed missions Shenzhou-14 and Shenzhou-15.
16.  We do want to help our family, friends and classmates when they're having a hard time. But how can we help our people out in right ways?
  Rachel Miller is a writer and she mentions some ways about that in her book How to Be There for Yourself and Your People.
  Keep your focus (关注) on your friend.
  When a friend comes to you, it's a good idea to help, them forget their terrible experience. But if you want to tell them a similar experience, it s not always welcome.
  If you do feel that your experience might be helpful to hear, Millers advice is to let your friends know that you went through (经历) something similar, but allow them to decide if they want to hear about it at the moment.
  Ask how you can best help your friend.
  You may not know what kind of help your friends want. Just ask! Miller advises to try these questions:
  "What's the best way I can help you right now?"
  "Do you need someone to talk to?"
  "Would you like my advice?"
  "How are you feeling about the hard experience you're going through?"
  A heartfelt "I'm sorry" is a great help.
  People may be shy away from saying "I'm sorry" to the people in trouble. Because you cannot feel the same way as them. But Miller says a real, honest "I m sorry. " can help to make your friends feel heard and accepted. "Sometimes there isn't a perfect way to make people feel better," she says. "But what you need to do is to say 'You're not alone, I'm with you, I'm so sorry it's happening to you."
17.  There is a picture of mine on the desk. Every time I look at it, I realize how fast time (1)      (fly). Around (2)      (I) in the picture are some toy cars and planes. The picture brings back to me the happy (3)      (memory) of my childhood.
  When I was a little boy, I was (4)       (interest) in studying cars and planes. So to be (5)       engineer was my first dream. Later, I wanted to be a fireman, (6)       I found I was a little afraid of height. Then when I was in the (7)      (six) grade, I wanted to be a teacher, since I liked my English teacher so much.
  When I (8)      (enter) middle school, my dream was to have a restaurant. I wished to run many restaurants (9)       different cities. Now I hope to be a doctor.
  My parents say to me, "(10)      (what) dreams you have, the most important is to try hard to make them come true".
18.gives, my, a, gift, dictionary, sister, as, a, me
19.new, look up, I, in, words, often, it
20.learn, it, a good helper, is, English, to
21.can, I, believe, make progress, I
22.it, a, useful, what, tool, is
23.最近多地新冠疫情出现反弹, 全国人民众志成城, 携手抗疫.作为中学生, 在做好个人防护的同时, 也应积极参与抗疫活动.某英文网站正在开展以"全民抗疫, 人人有责"为主题的征文活动.假如你是李华, 请你用英语写一篇短文投稿, 谈谈你是如何做好个人防护的, 并说说你打算为抗击疫情做些什么.
1 . How do you protect yourself from the virus?
2. What will you do to fight against the epidemic (疫情)?
1. 短文须包括提示中的内容, 可适当发挥;
2. 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名;
3. 80词左右.
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