【2019-2020学年湖南省长沙市明德教育集团九年级(上)期中英语试卷】-第3页 试卷格式:2019-2020学年湖南省长沙市明德教育集团九年级(上)期中英语试卷.PDF
1.—______did you win the first prize in the women's 100 meter running race ?
—______ with my brothers every morning.
  • A. How; To run
  • B. How; By running
  • C. Why; By running
2.—What do you usually do on weekends, Lily?
—I used to ______ at home,but now I'm used to ______ soccer.
  • A. stay; play
  • B. stay; playing
  • C. staying; play
3.—Jack,why is your mom angry ?
—Because she warned me ______ late,but I was late.
  • A. not to arrive
  • B. to arrive
  • C. arriving
4.______exciting news it is! China took the Women's Volleyball World Cup trophy ______ Sep.29th in Japan.
  • A. What an; in
  • B. What; on
  • C. How; on
5.—Do you often plant trees in spring?
—Yes. Many trees ______ in our city every year. And 200 trees ______ last month.
  • A. plant; planted
  • B. are planting; are planted
  • C. are planted; were planted
6.—Jim, I have trouble ______ a new word.
—You'd better ______ in a dictionary.
  • A. spelling; look it up
  • B. spelling; look up it
  • C. spell; look it up
7.—Mom, could you please tell me if my dad ______ to my school tomorrow?
—If he ______ his work tomorrow, he will go to your school.
  • A. will come; will finish
  • B. comes; will finish
  • C. will come; finishes
8.—Did you watch the film "My People,My country"?
—Yes.I watched it yesterday and I ______being a Chinese.
  • A. am pride in
  • B. am proud of
  • C. take proud in
9.One of the 2019 Nobel Prize winners in chemistry is almost 100 years old, ______ his invention first appeared some 40 years ago.
  • A. while
  • B. so
  • C. if
10.—Could you tell me ______?
—I'm not sure. Maybe last weekend.
  • A. when did they hold the sports meeting
  • B. when they held the sports meeting
  • C. how long they held the sports meeting
11. It would be Elena's best friend's 15th birthday. Elena went to the town to buy a big birthday (1)______. She chose a beautiful dress. She took it to the cash desk to (2)______. She looked in her bag for her (3)______, but it wasn't there. Someone had stolen her purse.
Elena felt (4)______. She put the dress back on the rack. She couldn't buy a bus ticket home, either. It was three miles and she had to (5)______. She walked through the park, feeling quite terrible. She looked down and suddenly saw something shiny on the ground. She bent down and (6)______ it up. It was a diamond ring (钻戒)! She slipped it on her finger, and it fitted! Elena had three choices: keeping the ring, selling it to get some money, or taking it to the police station.
Elena didn't hesitate (犹豫). She went straight to the (7)______ and handed the ring in. She felt proud of herself. Someone did a bad thing to her, but she did a(8)______ thing. The policeman thanked her for handing the ring in and then he said, "The owner will be glad. It's the ring that she has kept for thirty years. Oh, she left an envelope for the (9)______. "He handed a small white envelope to Elena. She opened it, expecting to find a "thank you" note. (10)______, there were five 20 notes inside! What would Elena do next?
13. Visions Service Trip
Summer Volunteer Program for Teens
Be a teen without borders this summer! High-quality volunteer travel programs are for teens or middle school students who want to finish difficult projects and make long-term friendships. Through service work and cross-cultural living, Visions offers new ideas and deep learning while helping poor communities. Our evenings and weekends are kept for traveling around. English, Spanish and French language programs are in the U. S, Caribbean, Central America, South America and Asia
Destination Language Dates Duration Service Hours Tuition 
Dominican Republic Spanish 06/30﹣07/20 21 days 70 ﹩4, 950 
Ecuador&Galapagos Spanish 06/30﹣07/24 25 days 80 ﹩6, 150 
Peru Spanish 06/30﹣07/24 25 days 80 ﹩5, 650 
Guadeloupe French 07/01﹣07/25 25 days 80 ﹩5, 950 
Alaska English 06/30﹣07/27 28 days 100 ﹩5, 950 
British Virgin Islands English 06/30﹣07/09 10 days 40 ﹩3, 250 
Cambodia English 07/20﹣08/09 21 days 70 ﹩4, 950 

Contact: Visions Service Journeys, 541 E. Babcock St. Bozeman, MT 59715
Tel: 406﹣5514423
Email: infoVisions Service Adventures. com
14. What is your favorite activity? Perhaps it's playing computer games or reading a comic book. There are other things you can do to sharpen your mind. You could try playing checkers (跳棋) or draughts as it's called in the UK.
Pan Yimin, 15, has been playing checkers for about nine years. His experience paid off at the 2019 World Draughts Championship (锦标赛) in Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast, which took place from Sep. 15th to Oct. 3th. He won 19 matches at the tournament (锦标赛), earning himself a silver medal. As the youngest international grandmaster (国际特级大师), the highest title awarded in checkers, he made history by getting the highest score ever in the game.
Pan started to learn how to play checkers when he was six. He watched a game with his father and become fascinated by it. In order to capture all his opponent's pieces, Pan has to stay calm and make the right decisions. "Checkers is full of possibilities. Every step you make will change the whole situation," he told Chutian City News. "The key to winning is not giving up. Keep thinking and working until you get there."
Pen has kept his studies up while playing checkers. He uses his spare time to study and even brings his textbooks to his matches. He enjoys learning about math and physics. He thinks playing checkers can help improve his memory and logical thinking skills.
15. October 1st this year was the 70th birthday of the People's Republic of China. The country has made progress in improving its economy (经济), technology and education. TEEN has invited several teenagers to share their thoughts about new China. Read below to find out what they think.
I was proud when I watched the Military Parade on TV. In one class, our teacher played a video about Chinese soldiers who were sent to Somalia to fight pirates. Our well-trained navy (海军), never surrendered (投降) and fought hard to protect overseas Chinese.
I hope that one day we will have more nuclear submarines (核潜艇) to defend and protect us at sea. I will exercise more and protect my eyesight because I also want to protect my country.
——Zhang Xiyuan, 13
A few months ago, our school visited the Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition (世园会). I was impressed by the 5G exhibition hall there. This technology developed by tech giant Huawei makes video downloads fast.
I found a robot with sensors in all parts of its body. With the help of 5G information transmission, the robot can do the same things people do without any delay. 5G will make the Internet of Things possible. I hope I can make innovative (创新的) products like 5G one day.
——Yu Mingke, 13
While traveling in Singapore, I found that many people speak Chinese there and the number of people who speak Chinese is growing every year. As Singapore's largest import and export partner, China has affected the country's economic development.
I want to study hard to become stronger and influence the world in a positive way like China has.
—— Xing Yuxi, 13
16. Biking is a popular form of exercise because (1)      .
Many cities have made efforts to make cycling (骑行) easier and more popular. In the US, Bike to Work Day is held on May 20. This day is intended (旨在) to encourage more people to ride bikes.
Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is the world's most bike-friendly city. During rush hour, (2)      . When it's snowy, people clear the snow in bicycle lanes (车道) first. The car lanes come next.
In Amsterdam, (3)      . You can always find bike rental companies near busy areas, and return it at any service spot. It's so convenient that most people in the city ride bikes to go to work.
In China, we have bike﹣sharing companies. (4)      . However, biking is not that easy in many Chinese cities. Cars often take up bicycle lanes and bikers have to ride next to cars in car lanes. It is very dangerous.
A. people can rent (租) a bike almost anywhere in the city
B. it's healthy and environmentally friendly
C. They give us easy access (使用的机会) to bikes
D. it's easy and cheap
E. traffic lights are always green for bikers 
17. World Post Day is celebrated on October 9th. This day is the date when the first postal union, the Universal Postal Union (UPU, 万国邮联), was started in 1874 in Bern, Switzerland.
Post is one of the oldest ways of communicating. The postal service is part of people's daily life all over the world. People send or receive letters and parcels (包裹) through the postal service.
Did you know that China was one of the first countries to have a postal service? Experts disagree about the date, but it is likely that there was a system during the Qin Dynasty (221-207BC).
In fact, some experts think that there may have been a postal system before then. In the Zhou Dynasty (1122-256BC), Confucius (孔子) (551-479BC) said: news of deeds travels faster than the mail.
Experts believe that the Chinese Postal Service has been in use for the longest amount of time in the world.
Many students collect stamps for a hobby. They have a great interest in doing this. This, according to UPU, helps young people to learn about the world.
"The quickest way to learn about a county is probably through stamp collecting," says Anthony Alverno, a UPU official.
Through stamp collecting you can go back in time to hundreds of years ago or go into outer space, you can meet famous people, or learn about places and animals from around the world.
"lt does not cost a lot of money and most of all is fun," says Alverno.
World Post Day is celebrated in many ways. Postal services in many countries use this day to have stamp exhibitions and use special stamps.
18.  Experiencing life is a kind of learning. And there are several things that life has taught me that I want to share with you.
  Take care of your body. Life always loves those people who look good. (1)So it's important for you to try your best to make you look best. I mean dressing nicely, exercising regularly and eating healthily. (2)如果你照顾好你的身体, 你就会活得更长久, 更开心. You may even get better paid on your job. You should remember that your health is always your greatest wealth.
  Think in the long term. (3)在高中时我在考虑大学. In college I was thinking about life after college. I'm designing my life and making decisions today that will enable me to live the life I hope for in the future. You have to think in the long term; you have to see the "big picture". By planning your future properly, you will live into your plans.
  Be clear about the power of focus (专注). (4)Nothing is more important than focus. If you fail in the lifetime, maybe it's mainly because of broken focus. If you focus on the goals that are important to you, you will achieve them. What separates the winners from the losers is that the winners learn to focus on their goals. (5)Winners just focus on what is very important to their goals.
19.A: Hey, Judy! Long time no see! (1)            ?
B: Pretty good! How about you?
A: Not bad. By the way, what are you going to do this weekend?
B: Nothing much.
A: Would you like to go to a movie with me?
B: (2)            . Which movie would you like to go to watch?
A: How about the Climbers? (3)            ?
B: No, I haven't. (4)            ?
A: It was directed by Li Rengang. Wu Jing and Zhang Ziyi are main characters.
B: (5)            ?
A: Let's meet at the lobby of Wanda Cinema at 3:00 p.m. this Saturday.
B: OK. See you.
A: See you.
20.我们每一次变化都见证了我们的成长. 现在班级正在举办主题为"回想过去, 对比现在"的英语演讲, 要求大家将自己的过去和现在进行对比. 假设你是刚进入初三的Mike, 你在性格、外貌和习惯等方面都发生了很多变化. 请你根据以下要点和要求, 写一篇短文.
 Before Now 
Appearance short tall 
Personality shy outgoing 
Hobby play basketball read books 
Study have difficulty in learning English do well in English 
. .. . .. . .. 

要求:1. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称
2. 词数80字左右
3. 开头已给, 要点可以适当补充
  Good morning, everyone! It's my honor to speak here. In the last two years, I have changed a lot. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .