【2018-2019学年四川省成都外国语学校八年级(上)期末英语试卷】-第8页 试卷格式:2018-2019学年四川省成都外国语学校八年级(上)期末英语试卷.PDF
1.Students ____ year 8 can have a rest for 2 hours ____ lunchtime in our school.
  • A. at, in
  • B. in, at
  • C. at, at
  • D. in, in
2.In that class, only 20 are boys, and ______ are girls.
  • A. others
  • B. other
  • C. the other
  • D. the others
3.Do you know the singer Taylor Swift? I listen to her songs       .
  • A. a lot of
  • B. lots
  • C. a lot
  • D. lots of
4.Many people are sorry to find that APPs like WeChat make their life ____ because almost everybody can find you on it even at the weekend!
  • A. even better
  • B. wonderful
  • C. even busier
  • D. nice
5.What I like about that school is that there are many clubs ___ students to ____.
  • A. for, choose from
  • B. with, choose
  • C. to, choose
  • D. to, choose from
6.Every Christmas Eve, the twins each ____ a lot of books and food to those poor children.
  • A. gives
  • B. is giving
  • C. give
  • D. are giving
7.They have no idea ____. They need some help.
  • A. how they can do it
  • B. when should they go there
  • C. what can they do
  • D. where should they go
8.There are over ___ students in our school and perhaps we need ___ each day.
  • A. 5 thousands, 2500 kilos of rice
  • B. 5 thousand, 2500 kilos of rice
  • C. 5 thousands of, 2500 kilos rice
  • D. 5 thousand of, 2500 kilos rice
9.—I want to be a writer when I grow up. How can I prepare for it now?
—Great. I think you can start by ____. It helps with writing.
  • A. keeping a diary
  • B. listening to music
  • C. drawing pictures
  • D. doing puzzles
10.—Class is over. It's Saturday tomorrow. ____.
—You, too.
  • A. Good luck
  • B. Have a nice weekend
  • C. wonderful!
  • D. I can't believe it.
11.  Winter holiday is coming. Do you have any (1)       for it? Do you want to take a part-time job (2)       the time? Actually, taking part-time jobs is very usual among American teenagers.
  When I was young, many of my friends held part-time jobs in junior and senior high school. I had a few jobs (3)       at that age.
  I (4)       working at a book shop when I was about 14 or so. It was my first job. I went to the book shop every day (5)       to look for new books and hang out with my friends. So, I thought, (6)       work there and make some money?
  But the most common (普遍的) jobs for teenagers in the US are restaurant jobs. (7)       in the kitchen, waiting tables and washing dishes are a few of the most (8)       ones. Restaurant owners would like teenagers to do these jobs too, because they pay (9)       to them. But it's OK, teenagers don't need that much money. When I worked at the book shop, I spent all my salary (工资) in the same shop buying books. (10)       it was almost like my boss paid me in books but not money. But that was totally fine by me at that time.
12. Rick Allen, the famous drummer with the Irish rock band Def Leppard, joined the band on his fifteenth birthday after playing the drums for six years. A year later, in 1979, the band became famous. Then, in 1984, Rick had a very bad car accident and he lost his left arm.
His life changed in many ways, but he found that his feet could do a lot of the work of his left arm. One of his friends made a set of special drums for him, so he could play the drums with one arm and two feet. He went back to the band later and played with the other members.
Rick got married twice. Now he and his second wife have a company called One Hand Drum Company and a charity organization which helps those old-aged soldiers or other people who need help. At the same time, he still plays the drums and he is called Thunder God by his fans. Life with one arm is still a problem, but if he can't cut vegetables with one arm, he simply uses his feet.
13.This is the notice board in Chengdu Foreign Languages School

  My mobile phone. It's grey and it's got a sticker of Mickey Mouse on it. It's got all my phone numbers. I can't live without it. I left it at the playground this morning at about 7. 25. If you find it, please call my friend Wilson on 189 800 68354.
   A very large umbrella with yellow sunflowers on it. It was a present from my best friend. I left it at the statue of 3 goddesses in front of the classroom building, near the school gate.
Contact Rachel on 135 500 57812.
Millions of thanks! 
14.Maria hates             (listen) to jazz. It's just not her type of music.
15.The city center is very different in the midnight, it's much       (quiet) than in the daytime.
16.The little boy             (fall) downstairs last night, but             (lucky) he was fine.
17.It was Christmas. The whole family stayed at home,              (have) a lot of fun.
18.Liu Xiang was the first Chinese              (win) a gold medal in running in the Olympics.
19.70 years ago, many streets in Taiwan             (name) after the great politician.
20.In the sports meeting, nobody wants to lose the game, so they all run as            (fast) as they could.
21.Those people do volunteer work to help others, not to hear people             (say) 'Thank you'.
22.Some people love surfing the internet because they can find a lot of             (information).
23.Many students would like to do sports when they are tired. It's really             (relax).
24.My favorite month is April, the              (four) month of a year. The weather is wonderful then.
25.The 18th birthday is always            (forget) to everyone. They are no longer kids after that.
26.They finally made the             (decide) to run a shop all by             (them).
27.What's the price of the scarf?(保持句意基本不变)
             is the scarf?
28.The box is too heavy. Can you help me?(同义句转换)
The box is too heavy. Can you              ?
29.Sue's job was to keep the books in order. (同义句转换)
             keep the books in order.
30.Father bought a toy plane for him as a birthday present. (同义句转换)
Father              a toy plane as a birthday present.
31.That company spent a lot of money on those new machines. (同义句转换)
That company              a lot of money              those new machines.
32.Those poor people had very little for supper,             ? ( Raise a tag question)
33.Harley thought his job was quite boring. (Ask a question about the underlined part. )
34.My sister was born in 2016. (Ask a question about the underlined part. )
35.He wants to be a traveler in his gap year. (Ask a question about the underlined part.)
36.He is my hero because he changed the history. (Ask a question about the underlined part. )
37.  Different people have different lifestyles and people sometimes change their lifestyles. Harley Smith worked for a b(1)             in London after he finished school at 17. Now he's got a small hotel on a beautiful i(2)             in Thailand. In the past, he did well and m(3)             a lot of money, but he worked long hours and he was not happy. Now as the o(4)             of the hotel, he has to do everything all by himself. He is still busy, but he feels r(5)            , because it's s(6)             and q(7)            than big cities. He m(8)            London which is his hometown, but he likes his life now. Will he change his lifestyle again? Nobody knows.
38.  The 15-year-old girl Clair Williams has got an u(1)            hobby. She likes keeping bees in her f(2)            time. On a t(3)            Sunday, she gets up early and puts on her s(4)            clothes. Then she goes to f(5)            the bees with water and sugar. She loves her bees, but her friends don't want to get c(6)            to the beehives. Clair talks to her family a(7)             bees even when they are having lunch. In the afternoon, she reads books or surfs the i(8)             to find information about bees. Those bees work really hard. They fly a long way to p(9)             a little honey. Clair sells the honey but she doesn't spend the money. Instead she keeps it to buy more beehives.
39. Erin Brockovich is a famous lady and is the hero of many people. She did something great. She worked for a law c(1)            in the past and there she o(2)             papers. Once She r (3)             that a lot of papers were about some very s(4)            people from the same place near a big factory. Then she started to help those people. She worked very hard for five years and d(5)            that they became ill because of a chemical in the l(6)            water. Erin and her boss started a law case a(7)            the factory and they won the case. The factory had to pay those people 333 million in t(8)            .
40.People usually build memorials or monuments to r             their heroes.
41.More and more Chinese young men work as v             in some charity organizations without payment to help people in need.
42.Pip is a c            girl and she's always full of new ideas.
43.I often forget to take something or lose things. How f             I am!
44.Lily wants to become a doctor when she grows up to s            people's lives.
There are much things to enjoy about travelling, including the (1)      
beautiful scenery(风景), different culture and interesting buildings.
Of course, try the local food is another fun thing about travelling. (2)      
For some travelers, a quick dinner at or near a spot(景点) is best.
And in fact local people don't eat at these spots, because they (3)      
find the food there less expensive but less delicious. (4)      
More and more travelers realize that, too. For example,
about half of US travelers say that he choose to eat at (5)      
the local street food markets when travelling. What about you?Where do you prefer to eat?
in actual believe decide come happily
on finally old time bored happen 

I remember (1)             in Santa (圣诞老人) when I was very young. But when I got (2)            , I began to ask if there was really a Santa. Then I tested (检测) a few times (3)             if Santa was real.
The first test (4)             when I was 5 years old. I thought that if I stayed up all night (5)             Christmas Eve, I could see if Santa really (6)            . But I fell asleep. When I got up, I found a nice present under the tree.
At the age of 7, I had my (7)             test. That year, I didn't send out my Christmas letter to Santa. On Christmas Eve, my mother took me to a supermarket to shop. I didn't say a word, but I looked at a beautiful toy car a few (8)            . I thought that Santa couldn't know what to get me because he couldn't read my mind. But Mom knew everything. The next morning, I found the toy car and knew that Santa was (9)             Mom.
The magic and mystery of Santa made Christmas a (10)             time for me. In the future, I want it to be part of my children's childhood as well.
47. Millions of people are watching short videos online. Many people create and share short videos on popular video apps like Douyin or Kuaishou. The videos are 15 seconds to a few minutes long. They show people doing activities like cooking, exercising and singing.
Teenagers especially enjoy these videos. More than 50 percent of first and second year junior high school students said they enjoyed watching these videos and 47 percent even posted (发布) their own videos. The videos let teenagers see funny and exciting things they wouldn't usually see. For example, a 12﹣year﹣old girl posted videos showing her learning jazz dance. This helps her win many fans.
However, the videos can also cause some trouble. Some students spend too much time watching them and not enough time studying. Some videos even have something which is not good for teenagers.
To work out the problem, Douyin made a change to its app. It locks the app if someone uses the app for over two hours a day. On the other hand, parents should also give children proper guidance (指导) and help.
Short Videos 
How popular short videos are 1. Online short videos are (1)             with millions of people.
2. Over 50 percent of junior 1 and junior 2 students watch them. 47 percent of those students posted short videos. 
(2)             short videos are popular In short videos, teenager find funny and exciting things which they (3)             see in their own life 
What trouble short videos cause 1. Watching them (4)            too much time of teenagers.
2. Some videos aren't good for teenagers. 
(5)            to work out the problem 1. Some apps made changes.
2. Parents should offer help. 

A. That's a pity
B. That's a great idea
C. We will pay for ourselves
D. What are you going to do
E. Where are you going
F. Will you travel around with your best friend
G. What's your plan 

A: What are you going to do this winter holiday?
B: I'm going to travel around Europe with my brother. (1)      . My sister wants to come with us! But she needs to get a job first. And my parents aren't going to come with us.
A: Cool. (2)      ?
B: Oh, everywhere. France, Spain, Poland and Italy. It's going to be fantastic. We will visit some museums and see the different culture.
A: That sounds great.
B: What about you, Luke? (3)      ?
A: I will go to the States with my parents. I'm a bit upset.
B: (4)      ! But wait! I've got an idea. Why don't you come with us? We will leave in February, so there's lots of time to plan.
A: (5)      . Thanks, Jess.
49.Almost everyone has got a hero. Who is your hero? Please write about your hero with 100 to 120 words. Your writing should include the following information.
1.A short introduction about your hero.
2.Why is he/she your hero? Give at least 2 reasons.
3.What can you learn from your hero?
4.Proper beginning and ending.