【2018-2019学年北京市西城区七年级(上)期末英语试卷】-第4页 试卷格式:2018-2019学年北京市西城区七年级(上)期末英语试卷.PDF
1.—Sam, do you know the man in black?
一Sorry, I don't know ______.
  • A. him
  • B. he
  • C. his
2.—When is your maths class today?
—It is ____ 9 :00 in the morning.
  • A. in
  • B. on
  • C. at
3.—Are there ______ books to read in your bag?
一Yes. But I only have textbooks.
  • A. some
  • B. any
  • C. a
4.My father is a worker and works ______ a factory.
  • A. in
  • B. with
  • C. on
5.—Where is your school?
—It is in the center of the city. Welcome to visit ______ school.
  • A. we
  • B. us
  • C. our
6.—______ students are there in your class?
—Thirty-five. 20 boys and 15 girls.
  • A. How much
  • B. How often
  • C. How many
7.My mother ______ early every day to prepare breakfast for me.
  • A. got up
  • B. gets up
  • C. is getting up
8.There ______ many kinds of flowers in the park.
  • A. am
  • B. is
  • C. are
9.—Jack, could you get some water for me?
—Sorry, I ______ my homework now.
  • A. am doing
  • B. do
  • C. does
10.My cousins and I live in the same city, ______ we don't meet each other very often.
  • A. or
  • B. but
  • C. so
11.Mr. Green often ______ emails from the customers in the morning.
  • A. check
  • B. checks
  • C. is checking
12.—Tony, where is your brother?
—Behind the house. He ______ his car.
  • A. is washing
  • B. washes
  • C. wash
13.根据短文内容, 从各题所给的A、B两个选项中选出正确选项
  Goodwillie School is in Michigan. It (1)        a green school. Children work together to help the earth. Boys and girls do not waste things and they find ways to reuse things. They learn about plants and (2)       . After class, they go to the park and talk about what they see.
14.根据短文内容, 从各题所给的A、B两个选项中选出正确选项。
Tim Can Read
  Tim is a good reader. He uses clues (线索) to help him read. (1)       , he looks at the picture. That helps him know what the story is about. Next, he reads the title of the story. Now he knows a little more. As he reads the story, the words (2)        pictures in his mind.
15.根据短文内容, 从方框中选出恰当的词填空.
part (n.) need (v.) even (adv.) homes (n.) 

  Lakes are places to go boating or to swim. We can take a walk near them. We can fish in them. Lakes are also (1)              for many animals. They live in and around lakes. They (2)              the water to stay alive. Sometimes, people don't remember that a lake is (3)              of nature and they may do things to hurt or (4)              kill animals. People should learn how to share lakes properly (恰当的) with animals.
16.根据短文内容, 从方框中选出恰当的词填空
games (n.) sad (adj.) reads (v.) feel (v.) special (adj.) ways (n.) 

What a Kid!
  Tad is a very (1)              boy. He has to use a wheelchair. He was born with a disease that made him unable to walk. Some boys would be (2)              or angry about that, but not Tad. Instead, he looks for (3)              to make people happy. He called the Green Oaks School for the Blind and asked if he could help. They said, "Sure!" Tad went to the school and quickly made friends. Every day, he (4)              books to the children. He plays (5)              with them.
  Sometimes he helps them do their schoolwork. The children at the school call him Lucky because they (6)              so lucky to have him as a friend. That makes Tad very happy!
17.Sharing with Others
  Sharing is more than taking turns with a toy. Sharing is giving and caring. Some people help make things better for everyone. They help in the community (社区) or around liter world.
Pat grows food for hungry families. She collects (收集) food at the community garden. The food goes to people in need. 
Anna and Bob give their time. They read to a younger child who cannot read. 
Brittany and Robbie help soldiers (军人). Their group sends phones to them. The soldiers can call home. This makes everyone happy. 
Tyler collects money and toys. He helps out. He works with a group that thinks all kids should get holiday gifts. Kids smile when Tyler comes to see them! 

18.  Ruler
  A ruler is a very useful tool. It can measure (测量) the length of something. There are many different kinds of rulers. Rulers are made of plastic, wood, cloth, and so on. We use a plastic ruler in the classroom. Rulers also come in different length. There are 15 cm rulers, 1 m rulers and even longer rulers. Rulers were first made in the 1800s.
  A quarter is an American or Canadian coin (硬币). How much is a quarter? A quarter is 25 cents. It is 1/4 of a dollar. The first quarter was made in 1796 in America.
  Do you know that it costs 7. 33 cents to make one quarter?
  Equal Sign (等号)
  Do you like maths? You probably saw an equal sign in maths. The equal sign is a symbol in maths. It is used lo show that things are the same. It was first made by Robert Recorde in 1557.
  How do you read "10 + 10 = 20"? It is read as "Ten plus ten equals twenty".
  A cup is a kind of unit. It is used to measure how much something holds. One cup is equal to 8 ounces (盎司). It is used in the US and Japan. However, in other countries people use different cups. We can measure salt, milk, juice, sugar and butter with a cup. It is very useful when cooking.
19.Friends Helping Friends
  Jack put on his backpack (背包) and walked out of school to catch his bus home. His backpack was full of things he needed to finish his science homework this weekend.
  "Hey, Jack !" Carl shouted, running up to him. "My dad's doing the park clean-up this weekend. Can you help out?"
  "Um... " Jack knew he didn't have time to help, but he hated to say no. "I guess I can."
  "Great. Thanks !" Carl said, waving goodbye.
  Jack got onto the bus and took his seat. He was going to have to stay up late tonight to work on his homework so he could help Carl in the morning.
  "Jack, " Jane said, sitting down next to him. "I have to walk Mrs. Green's dogs this weekend. Do you think you could help me?"
  "Um... " Jack knew Mrs. Green's dogs had to be walked three times a day. How would he fit that in on top of everything else? "I guess I can."
  "Great!" Jane waved goodbye as the bus pulled up to their stop.
  Jack's backpack felt even heavier as he walked into the house.
  "Hard day?" his mother asked.
  "More like hard weekend. I have to finish my science homework, help Carl with the park clean-up, and help Jane walk Mrs. Green's dogs."
  "Sounds like you agreed to too many things this weekend," his mother said.
  "I know, but Carl and Jane are my friends. I couldn't say 'no' to them. I didn't want to let them down." Jack looked at his mum. "What should I do?"
  "I'm glad you want to help your friends, but you need to have time for your own things, too."
  Jack knew she was right. "Maybe I can tell Carl that I can only help for two hours in the morning. And I can probably help Jane walk dogs early in the morning, but not at lunchtime or in the evening." Jack said. "Mom, do you think they'll get unhappy?"
  "They're your friends. Tell them you need time to finish your science homework. They'll understand."
  Jack nodded and got the phone. He told Carl and Jane the truth. As soon as he hung up, he turned to his mum. "They're fine with it, and they both offered (提供) to help with homework too."
  "I knew it would work out," Mom said.
  Jack smiled, "Yeah, because friends help each other out."
  Being fit (强健的) means a person eats well, gets a lot of exercise, and has a healthy weight.
  If you're fit, your body works well and feels good. Here are five rules to live by, if you're a kid who wants to be fit.
  Eat Different Kinds of Food
  You may have a favorite food, but it is best to eat different kinds of food. If you do this, you're more likely to get what your body needs. Taste new foods and old ones you haven't tried for a while. Some foods, such as green vegetables, may taste better, the older you get. Try two fruits and three vegetables a day.
  Drink Water and Milk
  When you're really thirsty, water is what you need. It's also OK to drink some fruit juice once in a while. But not too much. And there's a reason why you need to drink some milk. Kids need milk to build strong bones (骨骼). If you're nine or older, drink three cups of milk every day.
  Listen to Your Body
  What does it feel like to be full? When you're eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach (胃) feels comfortably full. Sometimes people eat too much because they don't notice when they need to stop eating. Eating too much can make you feel uncomfortable.
  Limit (限定) Screen Time
  What's screen time? It's the time you spend watching TV or playing games, and using a smart Phone or computer. Try to spend no more than two hours a day on screen time.
  Be Active
  Find ways to be active every day. You might even write down a list of fun things to do, so you can use it when your mum or dad says it's time to stop watching TV or playing computer games!
  Tell your parents about the five rules. If you're a fit kid, why shouldn't you have a fit mum and a fit dad?
21.It's time to have              [lʌntʃ] now. I'm very hungry.
22.Would you like to come to the              [ˈpa:ti] this Saturday?
23.I              [wɔ:k] to school on weekdays.
24.Tony's father is a              [ˈdɒktə]. He works in a nearby hospital.
Mike擅长游泳。 (be good at)
放学后,我们经常去打篮球。(play basketball)
每天吃早餐很重要。(important, have breakfast)
28.看, 我们老师在等公交车。 (wait for)
29.春节是中国重要的传统节日,某英文报纸正以 “Our Traditional Festival-the Spring Festival” 为题征文。邀你投稿,介绍中国人如何庆祝春节,以及你最喜欢的庆祝活动。 (不少于40 词,所给图片和提示词语仅供选用)
What do people do to celebrate the Spring Festival in China?

Our Traditional Festival-the Spring Festival