2020-2021学年湖南省长沙市雨花区九年级(上)期末英语试卷 试卷格式:2020-2021学年湖南省长沙市雨花区九年级(上)期末英语试卷.PDF
1.  Cool InventionsWireless Headphone Translators Put these tiny headphones into your ears, it starts translation to the language chosen in settings. Easy to wear. No need to connect the Internet. Comfortable for driving, running and travel.
 During the Qing Dynasty, kicking a stone ball around was a popular sport in the northern part of China, and it was often played in the winter to keep warm. 
 Kites have quite a long history. The earliest kites were made of wood, instead of paper. Nowadays, the three most famous kites are the Beijing kites, Tianjin kites and Weifang kites. The swallow(燕子)﹣shaped kite is a well﹣known Beijing style. 
 The closest thing to watching a film or television for fun during ancient times was to see a shadow play. Folk artists control puppets behind the screen and tell stories along with the music. 
3.  In an office, if you drop a coffee cup in a robotic waste bin, the machine will automatically (自动) sort the cup for recycling. Good news! Technology has been used in recycling. We know that even when people are working hard to try to reduce waste, they may still recycle wrong.
  "To use technology in waste bins was really born out of frustration (沮丧), " says Charles, the cofounder and CEO of Clean Robotics. He points to the example of a store like Whole Foods. In that store, anyone who eats at the salad bar then has to decide which bin to use for their fork, box and cup. "I'll eat my food and I go to throw something away. Then I see an array (一排) of waste bins. It's just so confusing — everywhere I go, the rules are a little different. I'm still not sure if I'm doing it correctly. " Charles adds.
  Then he thought that technology could help. They started looking at the lower costs of sensors (传感器) and the popular AI systems (人工智能系统). They started to think of building something that does better than people. They have seen some similar bins in an airport. They cost more than one thousand dollars, but they are not quite helpful. So Charles and his team thought they could build a robot that is price competitive and adds more value. And they did it.
  Thanks to the new technology, we now have smart waste bins. Next time you go to a market, you may not feel confused again about which waste bin you should choose.
4.  "The three-body problem" trilogy, also known as "Earth past" trilogy, was written by Chinese author Liu Cixin. The trilogy will be made into a science fiction TV show in English. It will be produced by David Benioff and Daniel Brett Weiss. "Liu Cixin's trilogy is the greatest science fiction series we've read, taking readers on a journey from the 1960s until the end of time, from life on our blue planet to the far away universe." Benioff and Weiss said. "We look forward to spending the next years bringing this to life for audiences around the world."
  The trilogy includes The Three-Body Problem, The Dark Forest and Death's End. They tell the story of humans' first meeting with aliens. The Three-Body Problem became the first Asian book to win science fiction's Hugo Award (雨果奖) in 2015. It becomes the best-seller in Japan this year. And the trilogy has won huge popularity across the world and has been considered as a landmark(里程碑) of the rise of Chinese science fiction.
  The books are interesting and imaginative. Former president Barack Obama is a fan of them. He said he has put the books into his reading list. Liu's works have been much enjoyed by film and TV series makers in recent years. The science fiction movie The Wandering Earth that was produced based on Liu's book. It was believed to start a new era (时代) for Chinese science fiction films.
5.  Have you ever heard of these terms in 2020?
  "The first cup of milk tea in autumn". In this autumn, when cold days come, an idea became popular among the youth. (1)      . On China's social media site Weibo, many people posted screenshots of their chats with friends or family members with the title "The First Cup of Milk Tea in Autumn". On the screenshots, we can see money transfer records. (2)      , as the numbers have a similar pronunciation to the phrase "I love you" in Chinese.
  "Haojiahuo". The buzzword "haojiahuo" is frequently heard in cross-talks (相声). It is often used to express shock of something.
  "Geili". The catchword (口号) has something to do with a Chinese Internet buzzword "geili" in 2010, which means "cool", "awesome" or "exciting". The word "aoligei" is created by reading the word "geiliao" in reverse (反过来). (3)      . The word was first used by a user on Kuaishou, China's popular video﹣sharing platform. The user always says something like "we must not fear whatever we are facing" or "perseverance leads to victory", and yelled "aoligei" at the end of his live streams or videos to encourage followers.
  "Clear Your Plate". (4)      . It could be enough to feed 30 million to 50 million people for a year. People's Daily reports our food loss and waste could have been more. In August, a nationwide "Clear Your Plate" campaign was started to stop food waste.

A. Look at the food on your plate
B. Much food was wasted in many cities
C. It means to "cheer up" or "come on"
D. The amount of money was 52 or 520 yuan
E. That is to buy cups of hot milk tea for loved ones 
6.  Do you enjoy riddles (谜语)? If so, here is one for you. It has the body of a lion, the face of a human, and a pair of wings. What is it? Here is a hint: We are talking about a creature in mythology(神话). That's right! It's the Sphinx (狮身人面像).
  What do you picture when you hear the word "Sphinx"? Will you think of a huge statue (雕像) in northern Egypt? It is 20 meters high and 73 meters long. This statue dates back to around 2500 BC. It is made from a large block of stone. Experts think thousands of Egyptians worked together to create the Great Sphinx. It is shown as a man.
  The Sphinx was in Egyptian mythology, but it was spread throughout the ancient world. In Greek mythology, the Sphinx was considered as a woman. She made the city of Thebes in trouble. When she was guarding the city gate, she asked the travellers the same riddle to allow them pass: What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs at night? People who answered incorrectly were eaten by the Sphinx. No one knew the correct answer. When Oedipus came to the city, he gave the correct answer. People of the city were thankful to Oedipus for defeating the Sphinx. So they made him their king.
  The Sphinx appears in many other stories and pieces of art from ancient Greece. How much do you know about it?

1. How high is the sphinx?
2. Was the Sphinx considered as a man in Greek mythology?
3. Where did the Sphinx ask the travellers the riddle?
4. What happened to the travellers who didn't know the answer?
5. Why did the people of Thebes make Oedipus their king?
7.  Jiang Birou still remembers the excitement of attending her first tea ceremony class as a sixth﹣grade student. She said that the tea ceremony had brightened her childhood.
  Jiang was once a left-behind child in Weishan, Hunan Province. She didn't talk to her parents often. But something happened in 2012. Jiang's school offered some extra-curricular (课外) activities and she was the first to sign up for it. "At that time, almost every family grew tea, but (1)we knew little about the traditional tea culture," she said. "Through the tea class, however, I learned a lot. The tea art classes helped me calm my mind and manage my emotions. I began to talk with my parents more often." Recently, she visited her old primary school. (2)Seeing girls learning tea art at school made her proud.
  An 11-year-old girl Gao Yingxin has been attending tea art classes for a year. (3)她以前是个又害羞又安静的女孩. She is more outgoing now and starts to make some good friends. She makes phone calls to her parents every week. (4)Her father, who works in India, is always glad to hear about her tea art classes. Yang Jinpeng, the school's headmaster, said, "We've offered tea art classes to students in Grades Three to Six since 2012. Many students become more confident after joining the tea art classes. (5) 我们相信茶艺课能让她们感到更快乐"

8.A: Hi, Betty! Long time no see. (1)      ?
B: I have been to China with my parents. My uncle works there.
A: China is famous for making all kinds of products. (2)      ?
B: Yes, I bought a lot of things. And I bought a scarf for you.
A: Oh, really? Thank you! Wow! It's so beautiful and soft! What's it made of?
B: (3)      .
A: Nice. I love silk. (4)      ?
B: It was made in Hangzhou which is known as the hometown of silk.
A: It must be a beautiful place to visit. How do you like it?
B:(5)      .
A: Wow! I hope that I can visit Hangzhou one day.
9.假如你是李华, 你们学校计划在紧张的中考备考期间举行一次"我最喜爱的音乐"分享大会.请你介绍你最喜欢的音乐种类和最想推荐给大家的一首歌(中文歌名可以使用拼音), 并说说歌曲的作者、内容、给你带来的感受, 以及你推荐的理由等.
1. 80词左右;
2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
3. 不得出现真实的人名和校名.