2020-2021学年山西省太原市八年级(上)期末英语试卷 试卷格式:2020-2021学年山西省太原市八年级(上)期末英语试卷.PDF
1.How wonderfully Nick draws! I can't believe that he did it all by ______.
  • A. myself
  • B. himself
  • C. itself
2.—I don't know how to make Yunnan rice noodles.
—Ask Mary for help. She has lots of ______ in doing it.
  • A. experience
  • B. information
  • C. education
3.Although Zhong Nanshan knew the new virus (病毒) was very ______, he still went to Wuhan as soon as he heard about it.
  • A. normal
  • B. dangerous
  • C. necessary
4.—He did his paper so ______ that he made almost no mistakes.
—Then he might make it in the exam.
  • A. normally
  • B. carefully
  • C. personally
5.—As an old saying goes, "It's better to ______ 10,000 miles than to read 10,000 books."
—So it is. People learn more by going to different places.
  • A. hang
  • B. cover
  • C. travel
6.—Lucy, it's already 9:30 p.m. How can you go home?
—Don't worry. The subway isn't closed ______ 10 p.m.
  • A. until
  • B. for
  • C. after
7.—Labor (劳动) education is important to students' development.
—I agree. ______ students can often help with housework, it will be good for them.
  • A. Unless
  • B. Though
  • C. If
8.—I'm so sad to know Miss Li has been back to New York.
—So am I. I expect to ______ her soon.
  • A. look after
  • B. help out
  • C. hear from
9.—People ______ see all kinds of plants in this new garden even in winter.
—That's true. I'm looking forward to visiting it!
  • A. are halfway to
  • B. are able to
  • C. are afraid to
10.—There will be a concert tonight. Would you like to go there with me?
—______. I can't wait!
  • A. Sure, I'd love to
  • B. Sorry, I'm not free
  • C. Not at all
11.( Karen and Vince are talking on the way to school. )
Vince: Hi, Karen. The latest news! The first subway line in Taiyuan comes to use.
Karen: Wow. It is fantastic. (1)      
Vince: About 44 minutes. Each station has its special style, so it must be exciting to take it.
Karen: Let's take the subway to the cinema on Saturday.
Vince: (2)       We can go to Kuanyingmu Cinema by subway.
Karen: Good idea. Where should we get off?
Vince: (3)       It is near the movie theater.
Karen: It is really convenient. What kind of movies do you like?
Vince: (4)       The movie Soul (《心灵奇旅》) is showing these days.
Karen: I know it. We can get the tickets online. (5)      
Vince: OK, let's book the tickets then.
A. That sounds good.
B. They are much cheaper.
C. Cartoons are my favorite.
D. How long does the trip take?
E. At Kaihuaxi street Station. 
12.  "Keep your eyes on your own paper" is one of the rules that Mrs. Archer teaches us. It is a (1)       rule, but it's not a rule everybody can follow.
  This morning, I had an experience with a "rule breaker" (2)       an English exam. I felt (3)       was watching me a little too closely. I turned my head quickly and saw James, who sat right behind me. My eyes caught (4)       and he said in a low voice. "I hope you studied for this test!" I gave him a smile, not sure whether he was joking or not, and returned to my test. This time I leaned (倾身) a little more closely towards my paper. "I can hardly see it (5)      !" James said.
  What am I going to do? I thought to myself. "Keep your eyes on your own paper." Mrs. Archer's words came to my mind. I (6)       my answers with my arm. I just knew I had to do what I felt was right, even if it seemed that James was (7)      . So I decided to guard (守卫) my paper so that he couldn't see my answers.
  (8)       the exam ended, I stood there for a moment, thinking of the right words to say to James. "Sorry, James, but I believe you can understand how I feel about cheating (作弊)," I said slowly and softly. "But maybe I can help you with your (9)       before the next exam." "OK, Brian," he smiled. "It might not be easy, but I'll give it a try."
  I felt happy that my (10)       with James hadn't been destroyed (破坏). Mrs. Archer would be proud.

(1)       Steps
a. Put the eggs in a pan (平底锅) and add enough cold water.
b. Cook them for 15 minutes. 
(2)       Steps
a. Mix two eggs together with some warm water.
b. Put the mix into the steamer (蒸锅) and steam it for 8 minutes. Then add some oil and green onion. 
(3)       Steps
a. Cut a hole in the middle of the bread and put it in the pan.
b. Pour two eggs into the hole and cook for 1 minute. 
(4)       Steps
a. Cut the cheese and lettuce into small pieces. And mix them together with two eggs.
b. Pour the mix in the pan and cook for 3 minutes until it becomes a pancake (煎饼). 
(5)       Steps
a. Cook the pepper and tomatoes in hot oil for 5 minutes.
b. Cook the eggs in another pan for 2 minutes. Then put the cooked vegetables in and mix them with the eggs. 
14.请阅读下面短文,从每小题 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。
Dear Dr. Green,
  My relationship with my mother is worse and worse now. It seems she's never tired of talking. She talks here and there, day and night. More seriously, I feel like we don't have much in common. She doesn't always understand what I'm trying to say. What should I do?
 Dear Jim,
  I know how you feel. It's not easy being your age. And it's not easy being a mother, either.
  It's common for kids to have problems talking with parents, and talkative mothers are not new to teenagers. But remember, she's nagging you because she just wants what's best for you. Talking is her way to show love and care. And she also wants to know more about you. After a day's work, she's tired, too. But she will never be tired of caring about you. Kids should learn to understand and care about parents.
  In my opinion, it's helpful to share school life with her. In this way, you talk and she listens. Doing some housework together with her is another good way for you two to know each other better. And if possible, often tell her your feelings about the things around you. Always keep in mind: be polite and patient.
Dr. Green 
  Mark Twain once said, "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today." The famous writer talked about a problem many of us have. The problem is procrastination (拖延症). When procrastination becomes a habit, it can make our lives terrible. (1)      
  • Make daily "to do" lists.
  Before your day ends, make a plan for tomorrow. Begin each new day with a clear start. (2)       It can tell you what needs to do first and then.
  • Break large tasks into small ones.
  (3)       You may feel impossible before beginning. So do every project in small steps. Begin by breaking up your task into smaller parts and finish one part at one time.
  If your workplace is untidy, full of things, you'll need to make some changes. You may need to take away your phone or TV.
  • Follow the five-minute rule.
  The hardest part about any task is getting started. (5)       One solution to this problem is to start working on it for only five minutes. Then decide whether or not to continue. Surprisingly, once you begin, you may be able to keep going and finish the task.
A. Always keep your plan with you.
B. Change your working environment.
C. However, everyone can take a few steps to improve now!
D. If a task looks too big, it can stop you from getting started.
E. That's why so many people don't begin their work until the last minute. 
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Robots Are Now Teaching English!
  Get ready. Robots are about to appear in our classroom. From Korea to Japan to the United States, schools are putting English-speaking robots in front of their students. In Korea, for example, robots are helping with English teaching in many schools.
  The young students say that the robots are fun, but are these children really learning anything?
  I don't think a computer will be able to do what a teacher does. Each student is different, and teachers are able to change their teaching styles to fit the needs of the students. I seriously doubt that a computer will ever be able to do this even though they have got big data.
3 comments on "Robots Are Now Teaching English!"
Keiko I don't think you can learn a language if you don't talk with a real man. After all, robots cannot think as humans do. 
Hassan Robots might be able to help people learn a language, but I don't think they should take the place of teachers because robots are just machines. 
Nancy I think robots might be very helpful in class. A child might be less afraid to make a mistake in front of a robot. 

(1)In which countries are people using robots to teach English in their schools now?
(2)Translate the underlined (划线的) sentence into Chinese.
(3)What can teachers do when facing different students?
(4)Why does Nancy think robots might be very helpful in class?
(5)Do you think robots will take the place of teachers? Why or why not?
over and over again, winning events, fought, unless, thousands of, themselves, came out, for, impossible 

  The 2020 Chinese national women's volleyball championships (全国女排锦标赛) took place in Guangdong. After seven months of closed training, players returned to the court and (1)             fiercely (激烈地).
  This year, most volleyball (2)             have been put off because of the COVID-19 pandemic. "With no games, training is really hard when it's going on and on (3)             months," Lang Ping said. "So we just calm down and practice (4)            . To be honest, it's difficult to make it (5)             you truly love volleyball."
  Around the same time, a movie Leap (6)             on September 25. The Chinese women's national volleyball team has been the pride of the country since (7)             their first world championship in 1981. Their spirit has made (8)             Chinese fight tooth and nail (顽强拼搏). It also shows that nothing is (9)             if you are hard-working enough. In the film, the famous actress Gong Li played Lang's role well. Many volleyball players, including Zhu Ting and Hui Ruoqi, played (10)             in the film. Most of the people were deeply moved by the movie.
you at turkey invite catch show choose tradition important probable

  Thanksgiving Day was coming. A teacher gave her class an interesting task - to draw a picture of something (1)             their thanks.
  The teacher thought most of her students would draw turkey or some other (2)             food of the festival. And so they did. But Douglas (3)            to draw something different.
  Douglas was a child of unhappiness. When other children made a(an) (4)             to him to play with them, he always turned it down and then stood close by his teacher's side. When he was asked to draw a picture, he drew a hand! Nothing else.
  His work (5)             his classmates' eyes. Whose hand could it be? Some guessed it might be the hand of a farmer because farmers fed (6)            . Other children guessed it was (7)             the hand of God because God helped everyone. All students joined the guess, and even forgot to ask the artist himself.
  When the discussion stopped, the teacher asked Douglas whose hand it was. The little boy replied in a low voice, "It's (8)            , Madam."
  She got surprised (9)             his words. Then she remembered that she often took his hand. Sometimes she said, "Douglas, take my hand, we'll go outside." Sometimes she said, "Let me show you how to hold your pencil."
  Her eyes were full of tears. She had done these to all her students. She didn't know these were (10)            to Douglas than anything else. She hugged Douglas and decided to give him more love.
  So please try to be kinder to anyone who seems special, because one small action or a common word may change a person's life.
19.习近平主席说:“青年最富有朝气、最富有梦想”。如果你是一名工程师,你可以用所学改善人们的生活环境;如果你是一名医生,你可以用精湛的医术去治病救人... 最近, “梦想网” 设立了一个梦想论坛,让同学们畅谈自己的理想职业并晒晒自己的规划和想法。请根据下面的提示,写一篇 60 词左右的小短文。
•What is your dream job?
•How are you going to make it come true?