【2022年广东省汕头市龙湖区中考英语一模试卷】-第7页 试卷格式:2022年广东省汕头市龙湖区中考英语一模试卷.PDF
1.  After watching the movie Dune(《沙丘》) in the cinema, Qian Ying, a 19-year-old college student from Anhui Province, ordered the printed book online.
  "The movie was so (1)       that I wanted to read the novel immediately," Qian said. "After all, reading has become a daily thing for (2)      ."
  Like Qian, many young people in China still love reading paper books. In modern society, people are often busy (3)      work and have little time to take a rest. But reading books is a relaxing experience. More young people are thankful for (4)      they get from the experience.
  "Though the novel Dune is quite long," said Qian. "I'm pleased to spend a lot of time (5)       it carefully." Qian said that this decision is based (基于) on her (6)      experience. In senior high school, much homework (7)      so she had little time to read. When she wanted (8)       about some literary (文学的) works, she would turn to Chinese video-sharing platforms like Bilibili or Douyin, where video creators would explain these books.
  "Unfortunately, I can't remember all of them," said Qian. "Reading should be (9)       activity to offer people literary experiences and knowledge." Without many details (细节) in (10)      , people sometimes can't get the best out of the books.
  But with more young people reading paper books, the reading atmosphere (氛围) is improving in the whole country.
2.  A spider was looking for a place to make a web(网). He wanted a(1)      place where there were lots of insects. In this way, he could(2)      his life eating, drinking and relaxing with pleasure.
  Soon the spider found a corner in a room. Just as he started making a web, a cat saw him and laughed(3)      . The spider asked, "Why are you laughing?"
  "Can't you see how(4)      this corner is?No insects will come here. They like dirty places, " the cat replied.
  Hearing this, the spider(5)      the idea of making a web in that corner. Then he decided to make a web on a window. When he was halfway to finishing the web, a bird came and said, "Have you lost your(6)      ?A strong wind could blow away your web. "
  The spider stopped working. He started(7)      for another place. The whole day passed. He was tired, hungry and thirsty. He didn't have any(8)      left to make a web. Just then an ant went to him and said. "I've been watching you since morning. You were influenced by words of others easily and didn't(9)      your web. "
  The spider knew he had made a(10)      and started regretting it. He said to himself, "I should have done my work with confidence and determination(自信和决心). "
3.Beijing Winter Olympics Pins

  Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics souvenirs(纪念品) have drawn much attention from collectors around the world, especially the beautiful pins. They have won high praise for the wonderful patterns.
  The Beijing Winter Olympics pins connect traditional Chinese culture with modern beauty. It's thought that the style of the countdown souvenir pin collection is really special and romantic. As for the 200﹣day countdown pin, the pattern features sakura(樱花) on the front and a snowflake on the back, showing how the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics follows the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics.
  If collectors get all pins in the countdown series, they can piece them together in the shape of a big "0", which means the countdown is over and that the Winter Olympics is going to kick off.
  Some limited(限量的) pins, such as a series of six inspired by ancient Chinese stories, quickly sold out. The series has put Chinese fairy tales into the pattern, vividly showing the images of Pangu separating the sky from the earth, Jingwei filling up the sea, Chang'e flying to the moon, etc. Only 2, 022 sets of the series were produced.
  Other pin patterns include traditional games, for example, the ancient Chinese ball game, Cuju. Ice play, an old sport in North China, is also shown on a single pin. The ancient style of the pattern can be found in ancient paintings of the Ming and Qing dynasties.
  As the host of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, Beijing has told its own stories to the world through these colorful pins, created to welcome athletes and audience around the world. (From:HYPERLINK "https://language. chinadaily. com. cn)" https://language. chinadaily. com. cn)
4.  On March 16, the Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington began a six﹣month celebration of the 50th anniversary of the arrival of two giant pandas, celebrating the close cooperation(合作) between China and the US in panda exchanges and protection.
  In 1972, president Richard Nixon and first lady Pat Nixon made a historic visit to China. The first lady went to the Beijing Zoo to visit pandas on their second day in China. At a dinner before they left China, Premier Zhou Enlai told Pat Nixon that China would present the US with two pandas, which made her very surprised and happy.
  The first pandas from China in the US, Ling Ling and Hsing Hsing, arrived at the Smithsonian's National Zoo on April 16 of that year. They lived there for more than 20 years. Their arrival not only brought warmth and joy to tens of millions of Americans, but also launched(使开始) the US﹣China giant panda program.
  Now only one panda couple, Tian Tian and Mei Xiang, and their baby, Xiao Qi Ji, live at the zoo. The couple's other three babies, Tai Shan, Bao Bao and Bei Bei, have returned to China.

  Brandie Smith, director of the national zoo, recalls that the males Bei Bei and Xiao Qi Ji are more outgoing than their brother Tai Shan. "I met these pandas. I still remember the moments all of the babies were born here. I really love working with the giant pandas, " she says. "I also enjoy working with those Chinese colleagues(同事). Working with them to share knowledge about pandas, their habitat and their culture is really a wonderful experience for me. "
5.配对阅读.左栏是五个人的愿望, 右栏是七座城市的简介.请从右栏中为左栏中的每个人选出最合适的旅游城市, 并将答题卡对应题目所选的选项涂黑.
(1)      Alice has been drawing since she was four years old. Now she wants to know more about some famous paintings.
(2)      Paul shows great interest in having the coming summer holidays in a seaside city, in which there is a stretch of white sand beach perfect for sunbathing.
(3)      Daisy is a bookworm. She has already read many books in the local library and can't help finding more interesting books.
(4)      Jim thinks there are few trees in his city. He would like to live in a place filled with trees and breathe the clean air there.
(5)      Dora loves flowers. She bought a new camera and she wanted to record the beautiful moments of different kinds of flowers with it. 
A. Singapore City in Singapore is a modern city with colorful buildings and many kinds of plants. So this city is also known as the Garden City. With many tall trees, low shrubs(灌木) and lush grass everywhere, the environment here is quite clean.
B. As the birthplace of Renaissance(文艺复兴), Florence in Italy is home to a famous art gallery(展览馆). Many famous artworks during the Renaissance are on show here, such as some paintings of Leonardo da Vinci.
C. Tokyo in Japan has many top﹣rated restaurants. Cooks always carefully choose the most seasonal ingredients(原料). They often do as little to the food as possible to bring out the color and taste.
D. Oxford in the UK is a very famous city because of its long history and Oxford University. The university has 120 miles of book shelves, showing its deep reading culture.
E. With a year﹣round average(平均的) temperature of 22℃, Medellin in Columbia is called"The City of Eternal(永久的) Spring". The climate makes it a perfect place for flowers. Many flowers are on show in Medellin in August.
F. Sydney in Australia is a city alive with wildlife such as kangaroos and koalas. The best place to meet harmless wildlife is the Royal Botanic Gardens in the heart of the city. What's more, visiting the Gardens is free.
G. Qingdao in China is a famous seaside city. It is famous for the blue sea, beautiful beaches and delicious seafood. It's a wonderful place for summer holidays. 
6.  There was a kind man named Hans in a small village. He had a selfish (自私的) friend Tom who(1)      asked Hans to do things for him.
  One day, Hans visited Tom. Instead(2)      serving Hans tea, Tom asked directly, "My friend, can you help me fix my roof (房顶)?" "Sure, " Hans climbed to the roof. The next day, Tom came to Hans' home with a large bag of corn. "Could you help me take(3)       to the market?" Tom asked at the door. "I'm sorry. I've been busy today, " Hans replied. "But it's not nice of you to (4)      me. " Hans thought for a while(5)      nodded. He walked a long way before taking the large bag to the market.
  A few days later on a rainy night, Tom hurried to Hans' home and said, "My son is very ill. Please go and find a(6)       for me. " Hans went to town without thinking(7)       he still had many things to do. Tom walked home alone. When he was about to get home, he(8)      into a deep hole. "If I had(9)       to town by myself, I wouldn't have been in such trouble. Now Hans is(10)      away, who will help me and take care of my son?" he cried aloud.
  The story tells us never to ask for help or consume (消耗) others' kindness unless we are in real trouble.
7.  Primary and junior high school students now are allowed to stay at school for two hours after school is over. Students can enjoy their hobbies or take part in other after﹣school activities.
  This is one of the key measures(措施) of the"double reduction"policy("双减"政策) across the country. The policy tries to reduce students' stress caused by too much homework and after﹣school training.
  When students leave school, they can see their parents, rather than their grandparents, waiting outside to pick them up. Students are happy about it, and parents, too.
  Mrs. Wang, a mother of a second﹣grader, said, "I've bought extra exercise books for my son since he has no homework now. I still need to know how well he has learned. "
  The changes mean that students can choose to do their homework at school after class. "We have a reading course after the last class ends at 4 pm, "said Zhang Zirui, a primary school student. "Then we do our homework at school. I don't have to do homework when I go back home. "
  Lan Lan, a student at a junior high school, has less homework now. "The teacher has cut out the repetitive content(重复内容) in the homework, which I welcome a lot, "she said.
  Mr. Wang, the father of a junior high school student, said the measures showed the government's great efforts to reduce the burden (负担) on schools, parents and students.
8."双减"政策让学生们拥有了更多的课余时间.假如你班的英语老师王明将在下周的英语讨论课上就"如何利用好课余时间"征集发言稿, 请你根据以下内容提示写一篇英语发言稿.
1. 你对"双减"政策有什么看法?
2. 你认为学生应该如何合理利用课余时间?
3. 祝愿.
1. 作文内容须包含所给要点, 可适当发挥;但不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名;
2. 提出至少两点看法以及四点建议;
3. 条理清晰, 语句通顺, 行文连贯, 语法正确, 书写规范, 词数80个左右.作文的开头已经给出, 不计入总词数, 也不必抄写在答题卡上.
  Good morning, dear Mr/Ms Wang and classmates!
  Thanks to the "double reduction" policy, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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