【2020-2021学年广东省韶关市武江区广东北江实验中学七年级(下)期中英语试卷】-第3页 试卷格式:2020-2021学年广东省韶关市武江区广东北江实验中学七年级(下)期中英语试卷.PDF
1.—There is ________ uniform in the soccer club.
—Is ________ uniform Bob's?
  • A. a;the
  • B. an;the
  • C. an;an
  • D. the;an
2.—It's a quarter _____two. Half an hour later we'll go swimming.
—OK. Let's go swimming at a quarter _____ three.
  • A. to;past
  • B. to;to
  • C. past;to
  • D. past;past
3.It usually takes him fifteen minutes ________ to school on the bus.
  • A. get
  • B. to get
  • C. getting
  • D. gets
4.We ________ play online games on weekdays. This is our school rule.
  • A. have to
  • B. must
  • C. can't
  • D. don't
5.Catherine has two cousins. One is quiet, and______is noisy.
  • A. another
  • B. the other
  • C. other
  • D. others
6.—Look!Amy ________ a chocolate ice-cream.
— Really?I remember she never ________ ice-cream.
  • A. is eating;eats
  • B. eats;eats
  • C. is eating;is eating
  • D. eats;is eating
7.— ________ do you live from New York?
— About 10 kilometers. I usually drive a car there.
  • A. How many
  • B. How long
  • C. How far
  • D. How much
—I can do Chinese kung fu.
  • A. What club do you want to join?
  • B. What time do you usually do kung fu?
  • C. Why do you do Chinese kung fu?
  • D. What can you do?
9.— Look at these new desks.
— Oh, they are all made ________ wood (木头).
  • A. of
  • B. from
  • C. in
  • D. by
10.Old people all like Alan because he ________ them.
  • A. is good for
  • B. is good at
  • C. is good with
  • D. is busy with
11.—Do you know there are many different ________animals in the zoo?
—Yes, I do. And I also know that some of them are ________dangerous.
  • A. kinds of; kind of
  • B. kinds of; kinds of
  • C. kind of; kinds of
  • D. kind of; kind of
12.—The apples look ________.
—Yes, and they taste ________. Why not buy some?
  • A. good;good
  • B. well;well
  • C. good;well
  • D. well;good
13.Mr Zhang, our English teacher _____ a father to us. All the students in our class _____ him.
  • A. likes, are like
  • B. is like, like
  • C. likes, like
  • D. is like, are like
14.Two_______ teachers and _________children visit the museum on Children's Day.
  • A. hundreds of;hundred
  • B. hundreds;hundreds of
  • C. hundred;hundred of
  • D. hundred;hundreds of
15.—Hello!Who's that speaking?
—________ Zhu Hui.
  • A. I am
  • B. That is
  • C. This is
  • D. He is
16.  Do you have breakfast every day?It's important to drink and eat something in the (1)      . All the food can give you the energy (能量) to help you start a new (2)      . Breakfast is very important, (3)      . some students do not like to have breakfast.
  What is breakfast? There (4)      two words in "breakfast-break (打破)" and "last (禁食期). At night you (5)       and don't eat anything, so you should (6)       something in the morning and break your last. You can get the energy from the food and get ready for the day. If you don't (7)       breakfast, you're not full of energy and you may feel hungry (饥饿的). Then you cannot do well (8)      your lessons and you cannot listen to the (9)       carefully in class. It is bad for your health if you often go to school without breakfast.
  What do you think (10)       breakfast now?
17.  I am Miko and I am from Japan. I am twelve years old. My home is far from my school. It is about 25 kilometers. So I usually take a train to school in the morning. My friend Sena goes to school with me. It takes us 25 minutes. Our first lesson starts at 8:15. I often leave my home at 7:25.
  I'm Aram. I have a big family. I live with my grandparents, parents, sister and brother in Canada. It's about 10 kilometers from my home to school. It takes me 20 minutes by bus. I go to school at 8:15 and my first lesson starts at 9:00. I like music and my dream is to buy a piano for myself. So I work at a supermarket every Sunday. The supermarket is about 6 kilometers away from my home. I usually go there by bike. The bike ride takes about 30 minutes.
18.  A school headmaster in north China becomes famous because he does the special morning exercise every day with his students.
  In the morning, the headmaster Zhang Pengfei would go to the playground with 700 students to dance Ghost Shuffle (鬼步舞).
  The headmaster thinks students spend too much time on mobile games. It's bad for their health. He believes that this funny and interesting dance can make students do more sports. Now, the students enjoy it in the school's 30-minute exercise time every day.
  Zhang tells Southern Metropolis News, "I think we need to change because students don't like doing morning exercises now." Then he finds many people love dancing Ghost Shuffle in the park and he decides to learn this dance. "I think the dance would be great for kids," he says. "The music is exciting and it really makes students feel excited."
  In October, he teaches all of his students the dance. And soon even other teachers and workers in the school start to learn it. "I sometimes see them watching different dance videos and learning new dance in the classroom now!" Zhang says happily.
19.Peter usually /ˈeksəsaɪzɪz/        in the afternoon.
20.It's raining /aʊtˈsaɪd/       .
21.My mother can cook /dɪˈlɪʃəs/        food.
22.My brother usually takes a s       /ˈʃaʊə(r)/ in the evening.
23.The Chinese﹣speaking       /mjuˈzɪʃn/ is really famous.
Uncle Steve        now.
Don't be        a       .
26.要么你加入他们去帮助老人, 要么我去.
       join them to help old people.
27.大象很聪明, 所以它们从不会迷路.
Elephants are smart, so they never       .
There is a subway station        my house        Dave's house.
29.短文填空, 每空一词.
  Many people like to travel by plane, but I don't like it. As we know, an airport is usually (1)       from the city and it usually takes you much time to get there. You have to get to the (2)       early and wait for hours for your flight (航班). You can't (3)      the windows on a plane. You can't choose the food. You can't move quickly (4)      it may be dangerous.
  I like traveling by (5)      . I think trains are safe. Train stations are usually in the cities. You can find (6)       very easily. When you are late for a train, you can catch another one. You can see many interesting things (7)       your way. It may (8)       us a little more time.
  I also like cars. If you have (9)       car, you can start your trip at any time. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes you may meet a traffic jam, because there are too (10)       cars on the road.
30.请用完整句子回答问题 , 请阅读下面的文章, 根据所提供的信息, 用完整句子回答问题.
  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Mr. Gao is standing near the window. His wife, Mrs. Gao, is sitting behind him and reading a book. She closes the book and asks her husband. "What are you looking at?"
  "I'm looking at the boy," Mr. Gao answers. "He's under the tree near our house. He's standing by my scooter."
  "Oh," Mrs. Gao says, "What is he doing now?"
  "He's cleaning the seat," says Mr. Gao. "Now he is riding my scooter."
  Mrs. Gao looks out of the window and then she says, "Ah, don't you know who he is?He's our son!He is going to buy some Zongzi. You must wear your glasses!"
31.假设你是在中国的留学生Jack, 今天是端午节.请给在美国求学的Zhu Hui写一封email.
1. 简单讲讲你所了解的有关端午节的习俗(至少两点);
2. 你和你的两位朋友现在分别正在做的事情(共3件事情);
3. 谈谈你是否喜欢端午节以及原因;
4. 询问Zhu Hui正在做什么.
要求:须包含所有的要点, 可适当发挥;不少于60词.开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数;文中不得出现真实的人名和学校名.
Dear Zhu Hui,
  Thanks for your last letter. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  Hope to get your e-mail soon.