2022年山东省菏泽市中考英语试卷 试卷格式:2022年山东省菏泽市中考英语试卷.PDF
1.—How are you going to be ______ writer?
—I'm going to keep on writing ______ stories.
  • A. a; /
  • B. /; the
  • C. a; the
2.—Hi, Zhang Jie. Long time no see.
—Hi, Wang Lei. I was on ______ in the countryside and helped Grandpa on the farm.
  • A. time
  • B. vacation
  • C. business
3.—Which teacher will you miss most after junior high school, Clara?
—Mr. Lee. He is always ______ with me in math class.
  • A. careful
  • B. patient
  • C. busy
4.—A new high-speed railway began to ______ service at Hezedong Railway Station on December 26, 2021.
—Wonderful. It is very convenient for us to travel.
  • A. offer
  • B. enjoy
  • C. organize
5.—I think the 18-year-old Su Yiming performs best in Snowboard Men's Big Air.
—Yeah, I agree. ______ else does better.
  • A. Everybody
  • B. Anybody
  • C. Nobody
6.—Have you ever ______ the program of WWF?
—Yes, I have. I am one of the local wild aid members.
  • A. taken care of
  • B. got used to
  • C. taken part in
7.—Nanjing Road is very crowded these days.
—The workers ______ it. It is said that it ______ soon.
  • A. repair; finishes
  • B. have repaired; will finish
  • C. are repairing; will be finished
8.—Daddy, can I go out to play soccer with my friends now?
—Well, you can't go ______ you finish your homework first.
  • A. if
  • B. since
  • C. unless
9.—Can you tell me ______, Jill?
—It is a book about paper cutting.
  • A. how to borrow a book
  • B. what you are reading
  • C. where to copy a book
10.—Lisa, pass me the phone, please.
—OK. ______.
  • A. You're welcome
  • B. Here you are
  • C. I think so
11.  It's time for another new film adapted (改编) from Jack London's 1903 novel The Call of the Wild. It was first shown in (1)       on November 13, 2020 in China.
  The main character of the film is still Buck, a big house dog. (2)      , this time, Buck is a 100 percent character created by 3D technology. In fact, all of the dogs, and all of the other (3)       in the film, aren't real in life.
  The new film does follow some of the novel's storyline. Buck, who his first owner treats well as a family member, lives a (4)      , relaxed life. But not for long, he is (5)       from his owner's home in California and is sold to the Alaskan gold fields as a sled (雪橇) dog. On his journey, Buck meets a new group of sled dogs led by the dog king Spitz. He learns a (6)       by fighting for leadership (领导地位) and starts to think his true self. And then, Buck (7)       many cruel things, and he gradually realizes what he is truly meant for.
  Every dog has its day. So does Buck. In the final part of The Call of the Wild, the local wolves and other animals awake his desire (渴望) to (8)       to the wild. According to London's story, the film focuses on (9)       Buck discovers his true purpose in life, which leads him to refuse human society. At the end of the film, the brave dog manages to find his way back to nature.
  So what's the meaning of your life? Give this question a deep (10)       after having watched the film.


The Beijing Winter Olympic Games were held from February 4 to 20, 2022 in three competition areas — downtown Beijing, its northwest Yanqing and Zhangjiakou in Hebei Province. High-tech things are everywhere, from the AI robots in the Olympic village, the referee system camera (裁判系统摄像机) to the building of the 12,000-square-meter ground of Ice Ribbon (冰丝带). The Ice Ribbon was also called the "fastest ice" by the players to help them achieve their best performances. 

Astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu were out of the return capsule (返回舱) of the Shenzhou-13 spaceship at the Dongfeng landing site in North China's Inner Mongolia on Saturday morning, April 16, 2022. The three astronauts were all in good physical condition. They completed six-month space tasks, including two spacewalks and two science lectures. During their time in space, they made many achievements for China's space program. 

Chinese researchers reached the top of Qomolangma on Wednesday, May 4, 2022. They set up the world's highest weather station at a height of 8,800 meters to study the effects of climate (气候) changes on the environment of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (青藏高原). The station allowed Chinese scientists to directly collect information for the first time from the top of the world's highest mountain, which is 8,848.86 meters high. 
13.  Do you have a library in your school or local area? Perhaps you even have a library bus that brings books. Well, children in Baluchistan, Pakistan (巴基斯坦), were getting books from a camel.
  Many schools in this area were closed because of COVID-19, and the area did not have the Internet or books. The officials and teachers were worried about how to keep children learning during that time. After some thought, they realized that the answer could be a camel, so the Camel Library project started. Then the camel Roshan became a mobile "camel library".
  Roshan could cross deserts and get through streets. This would be difficult for cars. Three times a week Roshan set off with his owner and a teaching volunteer. Roshan sent books to four different villages. The books, from the Alif Laila Book Bus Society, were available for children aged between 4 and 16. The camel library was open for a few hours, and kids could take books home and return them when the library headed back. The camel loved what he did: brought books for children and then waited happily while they read. Local people were so thankful to Roshan for his kind work.
  Now, the village schools have reopened, but local officials say the people still ask for the camel library. The project is expected to continue and cover more villages. Money is being collected and about $117.50 is needed for hiring (租用) Roshan.

14.  They say once you learn how to ride a bike, you never forget. Most of us learnt when we were kids, and many still shoot off for a ride around the streets. In recent times, cycling has seen a rise in popularity, so the question is: what makes it so popular to people to ride their bikes once again?
  First, let's look at the good for health. Cycling can improve your health and burn extra body fat. Exercising your legs helps to increase your strength. And cycling's good isn't just physical, but mental (精神的) as well. A long ride in the countryside could help you to clear your mind, or lower your worry. But it's not only about your body and mind, there are also some good sides for your wallet's (钱包) health.
  Cycling can be a great way to go to work or go around town. By cycling, you save money instead of driving a car or taking a bus. If you drive to work, sometimes finding somewhere to park can be a very difficult thing. However, finding somewhere to lock your bike can be much simpler. Then, on the bus, there are changes at stations and other passengers speaking loudly on their phones to deal with. Cyclists face neither of these problems. And if you're worried about safety, there are special cycle ways in many big cities. Wearing high-visibility (高能见度) clothing is another way to improve your safety when cycling on the roads.
  Finally, cycling can also be good for the environment. It can help you to reduce your carbon footprint (碳足迹). Not giving gases out into the air is better for the planet and your own environment.
  So, whether people want to cycle for their health, going around town, their wallet, the environment, or a combination (结合) of all of them, the popularity of cycling is on the rise.

15.  The moment that Jiang Mangnan received the award of Person Touching China for 2021, she said she most wanted to express her thanks to her parents. She was chosen on March 3, 2022 to receive the award given on CCTV, which choose a 10 models nationwide every year who spread positive energy (正能量).
  Born in 1992, Jiang's world has been silent since she was 6 months old, when medicine she was given completely hurt her hearing. When she was a very young child, her parents began teaching her to read lips (嘴唇). They also taught her how to make sounds by putting her hands on their throats. It was very slow and hard, but her parents never gave up and Jiang learned to speak.
  When she was old enough, Jiang was accepted in a normal primary school, not a special school for the disabled. It was difficult at first. During lessons, teachers would often write on the blackboard with their backs to the students, so Jiang missed much of what the teachers said. She had to copy down everything on the blackboard and study alone after class to keep up with her classmates.
  Her strong willpower (意志力) made her a top student. In 2011, she achieved a very high score on the national college entrance exam and got into Jilin University. After graduating in 2015, she started a further degree at the same university. In 2018, she was accepted as a PhD (博士学位) student at Tsinghua University's School of Life Sciences.
  "I'm always grateful for the respect I received from my parents, teachers and friends," she said. "They never give me special attention for my imperfection, which means I've never seen myself as different from anyone else." In the future, she wants to continue scientific research and contribute (贡献) her values to solving problems of life and health.

  It was a lovely Spring morning here in the mountains of my home. The sky was blue, the sun was out, and the air was warm. As I drove along the roads I could see thousands of wild flowers in bloom. When I rounded a curve (转弯) I slowed. I saw some volunteers picking up rubbish along the side of the road. I smiled as I saw them doing some "Spring Cleaning" for Mother Earth. And my mind floated (飘荡) back in time to another Spring day long ago.
  When my children were younger we used to walk around the lake near our home. One Spring day my daughter and I noticed just how much rubbish was lying along the path. The next day then we brought a big rubbish bag with us and started to slowly, step by step, pick up the rubbish along our way. There were plastic water bottles, wrappers (包装袋) for candy bars, empty chip bags, pieces of broken fishing line, and even an old thrown-away shoe. We stopped and picked up each one and even fished a few pieces of garbage out of the edge of the water. By the time we had circled the lake, the bag was nearly full.
  Tired but happy, we put the bag in an empty dustbin. We stopped before we headed home and took one last look at the lake as the sun set. It looked more beautiful than ever and I felt like the angels were looking down upon it with us and sharing our smiles.
  I know that at times you wonder what you can do to make a difference. But the truth is EVERYTHING you do makes a difference! Every time you pick up a single piece of rubbish you make a difference. Every kind word you say makes a difference. Every loving thought you think, every flower you plant, every animal you save, everything you do, no matter how small, makes a difference in this world. Make your difference today! Share your love. Shine your light.
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  In ancient times, people covered themselves with animal skins or leaves until the arrival of the Goddess of Silkworm (蚕神).
  She was a pretty and kind-hearted girl. Unluckily, at that time (1)       her parents were ill, and she had to go out herself to pick wild fruit for them. But soon there (2)       no more fruit to pick around her home. She was so worried (3)       she began to cry under a mulberry (桑葚) tree. Finally, the Emperor in Heaven was moved by her story and sent a god to turn (4)       a silkworm on the mulberry tree.
  The silkworm dropped some sweet mulberries into the girl's mouth. When she realized that the mulberry could be eaten, she was very happy (5)       picked some for her parents every day.
  That summer, the silkworm began to give silk and build a cocoon (茧). The girl took the (6)       out of the cocoon and then made into clothes. The clothes felt cool in the summer and stayed (7)       in the winter. So she picked some silkworms from the mulberry tree and raised them. Later, she began to (8)       local people to weave (纺织) and wear beautiful and comfortable silk clothes.
  The King was happy about her (9)       and decided to give her a new name Leizu. Later, Leizu married the Yellow Emperor and helped him unite China. She also (10)       the emperor to spread sericulture (养蚕业) across the country. Since then, Leizu has been respected by Chinese people as the Goddess of Silkworm.
18.阅读下面短文, 用英语完成思维导图.
  Starting a new school can be very hard, and all you want to do is just to fit in. Here are some tips to help you fit in with your new school and have a very comfortable life there!
  Prepare yourself
  Get to know the school. This may sound like effort, but visiting the school website might give you a good understanding on how life at your new school is, and whether or not it is similar to life at your old school.
  Change your appearance (外表) a little. Try getting a new haircut or outfit (套装). Take the chance of starting a new school to keep the things that you love, and throw away the things that you dislike.
  Start off well
  Arrive early. On your first day at your new school, try to arrive early. Arriving late won't make a good impression (印象) on your new teachers!
  Try to be outgoing. No one is going to come straight up to you and wants to be your best friend. It's you that have to go up, say your name, ask questions, get to know people, and maybe even share things about yourself.
  Get Involved (参与)
  Join a club or sports team. Being on a sports team or the star in the music play is considered "cool". If you're in high school, these activities look great on a college application (申请).
  Be a good student. Work hardest on your studies and try to get good grades. Remember that the reason why you're at school is to learn.
(1)Tips to fit in with _______ 
(2)_______ Start off well Get involved 
◆Get to know the school.
◆(3)________ your appearance a little.
Get a new haircut or outfit. 
◆Arrive early.
Make a good impression.
◆(4)Try to be _______.
Share with others. 
◆Join a club or sports team.
◆Be a good student.
(5)The reason to go to school is _______. 
19.假如你是李华,你校"英语之声"栏目正在举办"My Favorite Saying"征文活动。请你根据内容提示,写一篇英语短文参赛。
温馨提示:你可从下列格言中任选一句, 也可选择你喜欢的其他格言。
(1)Where there is a will, there is a way. (有志者事竟成)
(2)My life is a reading list. (我的人生就是一张阅读清单)
(3)A good friend is like a mirror. (好朋友像一面镜子)