【2022年江西省吉安市中考英语模拟试卷】-第9页 试卷格式:2022年江西省吉安市中考英语模拟试卷.PDF
1.—It's burning hot today, isn't it?
—Yes. __________ yesterday.
  • A. So was it
  • B. So it was
  • C. So it is
  • D. So is it
2.The sweater_______ Lily bought yesterday is very beautiful.
  • A. which
  • B. what
  • C. whose
  • D. whom
3.The housing price in my hometown has increased by two percent the past two months.
  • A. during
  • B. till
  • C. at
  • D. on
4.—There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.
—It _______ a comfortable journey.
  • A. can't be
  • B. shouldn't be
  • C. mustn't have been
  • D. couldn't have been
5.At times, parents find______ difficult ______with their teenage children.
  • A. it;talk
  • B. that;talked
  • C. this;talking
  • D. it;to talk
6.We still have________to make this birthday gift look________.
  • A. time enough;enough good
  • B. enough time;enough good
  • C. enough time;good enough
  • D. enough time;well enough
7.Animals ______ as our good friends because they help us a lot.
  • A. treat
  • B. are treated
  • C. treated
  • D. were treated
8.Kate _______ missed the bus this morning. It started to leave right after she got on it.
  • A. suddenly
  • B. nearly
  • C. really
  • D. hardly
9.  Mr. Black was a rich businessman, but he was not satisfied with his life. He always tried his(1)       to make more money for his company. He did not(2)      well and his food did not agree with him. The situation lasted(3)      some time. Finally, after a number of sleepless nights, he decided to see his doctor.
  The doctor(4)      a change of surrounding( 环 境 ). "Go abroad, " he said.
  "But I'm not good at foreign(5)      , " said Mr. Black.
  "It doesn't matter, " said the doctor. "It won't hurt you(6)      you talk a little less. Go on a trip. Take(7)       exercise. Try to lose your weight. Avoid eating rich food. "
  Mr. Black(8)      to Switzerland. He did not know French or German, and had to express (9)       through gestures (手势). He took part in physical training course. The instructor (指导员) (10)      him shake his head, swing his arms, stretch his neck and bend his knees. He had to lie (11)      the ground and raise his right and left legs in turn. After some time his muscles (肌肉) grew hard and firm. He(12)      put aside his financial (金融的) worries and nearly forgot the (13)      of making more money. He even began to notice trees and birds. He ate and slept well. Finally he returned home. But(14)      improvement did not last long. Soon he was a normal businessman(15)      , worried about his wealth, his savings, his success in a competitive society, and things in general.
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  Chinese President Xi Jinping has(1)      for carrying forward the spirit of dedication of 95﹣year﹣old war hero Zhang Fuqing, encouraging people to come together and create a(2)      force to go ahead in the new time. Xi, made the remarks in an(3)      on Zhang's life story in January 2019.
  Xi said the old hero devoted all(4)      life to the country. "As a soldier, he fights for the country;as a citizen, he(5)      for the people's well﹣being, " Xi noted.
   "Zhang lives a great life with his simple and pure lifestyle and shows no interest in fame and fortune, setting an example for both officers and(6)      in service of the armed forces, "Xi said.
  Zhang, a CPC member, was a soldier which was one of the main forces of the Chinese People's Liberation Army(7)      the Liberation War.
  He was(8)      by the Northwest Field Army for his battle achievements and won the honorary title of "Combat Hero" twice. In 1955, Zhang retired from the army and(9)      to work in the poor mountainous areas in Laifeng, a remote county in central China's Hubei Province.
  For more than 60 years, he kept his past experience a secret on purpose, (10)      from his children. It wasn't until the end of 2018(11)      government was collecting and recording old soldiers' information that his life story was known to all.
11.  So much work and too little play is not good for anybody, especially school students. That's what we have﹣﹣too much work and too little play. Getting more vacation is a way to correct this problem.
  I think that we students should be given much more vacation time than we get right now. At the present time, we're off only three weeks in winter, two months in summer, and all national holidays. It's not enough. We work hard in school, and we need time to relax. We need more time than we get now. In fact we need a lot more time.
  Students should get more vacation time because I feel we go to school too much during the year. I've only checked with my best friend Matt, but I think the whole school would agree with me on this. They all understand the importance of time away from books and homework. They would agree that more time for ball games and television would be a good idea.
  Adults who work in business get vacation, so why shouldn't kids?Yes, school is important, but so is vacation. It's something that all kids deserve. Now is the time to see that we get what we deserve.
12.  Thanks to double reduction policy (双减政策) comes out, many students may have time to enjoy after﹣school activities. Some students can play sports. They may play soccer, pingpong or do Chinese Kungfu. Some students go to learn music. They sing, dance or play some instruments. Other students can draw or practice calligraphy (书法) and more. After﹣school activities are fun and good for students.
  But why should students do after﹣school activities?Here are some good reasons. First, doing an after﹣school activity is a good short break from studying. After the break, students can better focus on the class or their schoolwork. Next, students can make some friends while doing after﹣school activities. Finally, students can get some new skills from the activities. They can also learn some important life skills like working with others or dealing with themselves.
13.  You may have heard the saying "The Yangtze River is China's mother river. " The main route of the Yangtze is almost 6, 400 km long. As the world's third﹣longest river, its valley(流域)covers one﹣fifth of China's land area. The Yangtze River Economic Zone covers 11 provinces and cities, making up about 40 percent of China's total population and GDP.
  On Dec 26, China's top legislature(立法机关)passed the Yangtze River Protection Law, which will work on March 1, 2021. It is the first law to protect a waterway in China, CGTN noted.
  The "mother river" is in great need of protection because something is wrong with it. For example, the river's Chinese paddlefish(白鲟)has died out after surviving for 150 million years because of overfishing and water pollution. There're also desertified(荒漠化的) land and soil pollution near the upstream part of the river in Qinghai province, Xinhua reported.
  The Yangtze River Protection Law includes bans(禁止)on activities that could have terrible influence on the river. It also includes heavier punishments for those who don't follow the law.
  According to the law, fishing will be banned in all of the Yangtze's natural waterways, including its major tributaries(支流)and lakes. Those who are caught fishing will be fined 50, 000 to 500, 000 yuan.
  Sand mining(采沙)will be strictly limited in the river valley. Many companies are mining sand along the river, as sand is a rare resource. However, this has led to lower water levels on the river, which has caused the river's water quality to become worse.
  Companies operating along the river will turn to green development. Companies that produce dangerous chemicals will move out, the law says.

14.  Do you like writing by hand or with a keyboard?
  A new brain research, led by researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, shows that choosing handwriting over using a keyboard results in better learning and memory.
  "When you write your shopping lists or notes by hand, you simply remember things better after some time. " said Audrey van der Meer, author of the study.
  The study was done using equipment (设备) to track (跟踪) and record brain wave activity. 12 young adults and 12 children took part in the study. Each person was asked to write by hand and type on a keyboard while wearing a special cap with over 250 electrodes (电极). The sensors (传感器) in the electrodes picked up the electrical activity that took place in the brain. Each examination took 45 minutes per person.
  The results show that the brain in both young adults and children is much more active when writing by hand than when typing on a keyboard. According to Van der Meer, plenty of senses become active by pressing a pen on paper, seeing the letters written and hearing the sound made while writing. These build connection between different parts of the brain, opening the brain up for learning.
  Van der Meer believes that the results show the importance of children's learning to draw and write at an early age, especially at school. "Learning to write by hand is a bit slower course, but it's important for children to experience the tiring step of learning to write by hand. " she said.
  The hand movements are good for us in many ways. "If you use a keyboard, you use the same movement for each letter. Writing by hand requires control of your fine motor (精细动作) skills and senses. It's important to put the brain in a learning state as often as possible. " Van der Meer added. "You might use a keyboard to write an article, but you should learn by hand during a class. "
15.  Li Ruyan, 13 and his classmates in Shanghai did something special last summer. They worked in groups with traffic police at different crossroads in the city. Holding small red flags, the students helped keep order and stopped people from jaywalking(乱穿马路).
As part of the school project. Li's school has encouraged(鼓励)its students to do more community work. After the half day of exhausting(累人的)work Li told himself not to jaywalk anymore.
  "I think through community work we get to help others and, more importantly, we grow a sense of responsibility(责任感), " he said.
  Community service is an important part of education for teenagers around the world. In the US and Canada, high school students need to finish 40 hours of community service before graduation. For those Americans who have finished 1, 400 hours of community work, they can get nearly ﹩5, 000(33, 000 yuan).
  Chinese students today do more community work, too. For example, starting from 2010, Sichuan high school students have been asked to do 10 days of community work. It will become part of their school grade.
  Qian Lijun, 16, and her classmates in Suzhou, Jiangsu went to a local elder care home this winter. They put Spring Festival couplets(对联)on the walls and cheered up the people living there.
  Li Xiaotian, 15, of Anshan said he used to clear flyers(小广告)from telephone poles(电线杆)with his classmates. They brought tools, towels and buckets and worked for three hours under the summer sun. "It was tiring, but seeing the clean poles without ugly ads﹣﹣we really felt proud, " he said.
16.  Recently, a very simple question became widely spread online:What China should be proud of?(1)       Lanlan, whose real name is Negar Kordi, is from Canada. She came to China five years ago and is a student at Ningbo University. Now she has l20, 000 fans on the Internet and the number is still growing. Lanlan loves China and Chinese. (2)      And that's why she is so well received among Chinese net friends. The following is China in her eyes.
  "It is the easiest country in which to find a job. If you are not too lazy, it is really very simple to find a job in China. I believe there're more job chances here than in any other country in the world. " "(3)      About 400 million Chinese are studying English. If they can speak good English in the future, China will have the greatest number of English speakers of any non﹣English speaking country. " "The speed of Chinese trains is fast. From Ningbo to Beijing, the train runs 1, 365 kilometers for seven hours and the ticket fare is only 595 yuan. "
  "Its public security is great. (4)      I have travelled in many countries, and I think China really is very safe. " "There are much more things China should be proud of. Many Chinese people often criticize(批评)China. At first, I believed that they didn't like China or that they loved western countries. But later, I realized that they just set a very high standard for China. (5)      China must be much better than other countries. "
A.The foreign language level is surprising.
B.This country of 1. 4 billion people makes me feel safe.
C.A foreign girl living in China gave a very touching answer.
D.They believe that it's not enough to be number one in the world.
E.She believes China will be the strongest country in the world in future.
F.China has been the greatest country in the world.
G.Chinese language is becoming popular.
17.A:Hey, Bruce!You seem unhappy. (1)      
B:Yes. I've just come back from the zoo.
A:Have you seen your favorite tigers?
B:Yes. (2)      
A:Why not?
B:Because they had to stay in cages(笼子) and they were dirty.
A:(3)      I think they should go back to forests or mountains.
B:Even worse, a few children threw something at them.
A:That's too bad. (4)      
A:(5)      Protecting them is protecting ourselves.
B:Of course. I also told them it was our duty to protect animals.

A. I'm sorry to hear that.
B. Did you stop them?
C. But they didn't look well.
D. When did you go to the zoo?
E. Didn't you go to the zoo?
F. How do you like tigers?
G. You did quite right.
18.生活中总有一些人值得铭记.他们为我们这个时代写下了浓墨重彩的一笔.他们当中有水稻之父袁隆平、抗疫英雄钟南山等等.请以"I will always remember you"为题, 写一篇短文.
(提示词:Hybrid Rice杂交水稻;output产量)
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