【2022年贵州省铜仁市中考英语一模试卷】-第4页 试卷格式:2022年贵州省铜仁市中考英语一模试卷.PDF
1.—What do you want to do when you grow up in_____future?
—I want to be_____astronaut.
  • A. the;a
  • B. the;an
  • C. a;the
  • D. a;an
2.一Do you know Liu Cixin, who is famous_____a science fiction writer?
一Of course, He is famous_____his science fiction novels.
  • A. for;as
  • B. as;for
  • C. as;as
  • D. for;for
3.一_____is the population of Tongren city?
一More than three_____.
  • A. How much;million
  • B. How much;millions
  • C. What;million
  • D. What;millions
4.一You'd better_____too much time on the Internet. It's a waste of time.
一Thanks for your advice. I need to make a change.
  • A. not spend
  • B. don't spend
  • C. not to spend
  • D. not spending
5.一What will we do if it_____tomorrow?
一We will have to stay at home. We can go to Mount Fanjingshan next Sunday.
  • A. rain
  • B. will rain
  • C. rained
  • D. rains
6.一Excuse me. Could you tell me_____?
一Sorry, I don't know, either.
  • A. where Mr Zhang lives
  • B. where does Mr Zhang live
  • C. where Mr Zhang lived
  • D. where did Mr Zhang live
7.一The 19th Asian Games______in Hangzhou from September 10 to 25, 2022.
一How I wish I could go there!
  • A. will hold
  • B. will be held
  • C. was held
  • D. has been held
8.一Here you are. Your mobile phone!
一I don't think this is_____mobile phone. _____is black.
  • A. my;My
  • B. mine;Mine
  • C. my;Mine
  • D. mine;My
9.一What a_____student Li Hua is!
一Yes, he does everything very_____.
  • A. careful;carefully
  • B. careful;careful
  • C. carefully;careful
  • D. carefully;carefully
10.一Alice's room is tidy, isn't it?
一Yes. She always______her toys after playing with them.
  • A. looks for
  • B. turns off
  • C. takes out
  • D. puts away
11.一Work hard, _____you'll fail the coming entrance exam for the senior high school.
一Yes, I will.
  • A. or
  • B. and
  • C. so
  • D. but
12.一We_____about 1, 500 English words since we began to learn English.
一Speaking of English words, the more, the better.
  • A. learned
  • B. will learn
  • C. have learned
  • D. had learned
13.— The TV drama Renshijian (A Lifelong Journey) was so_____that most of the viewers were_____.
—Exactly. It's one of the best TV dramas I've ever seen.
  • A. moving;moved
  • B. moving;moving
  • C. moved;moving
  • D. moved;moved
14.一Linda, I'm afraid we can't complete the model spaceship this afternoon.
一Well. we_____finish it today. It's fine if we give it to Mr Wang tomorrow.
  • A. can't
  • B. needn't
  • C. mustn't
  • D. shouldn't
15.一Would you please help me work out this maths problem?
  • A. Well done
  • B. Come on
  • C. Never mind
  • D. With pleasure
16.  One day recently, Laurie Fenby was shopping at a supermarket in New York. As she was leaving, she noticed a (1)       on the ground. She looked inside and (2)       a Jamaican driver's license and some money. She tried all the usual ways to find the man, whose name was George.
  Her efforts (努力) were (3)       — she couldn't find him through Google or Facebook. And then she asked for (4)      through a website. Laurie finally found George and returned the wallet to him.
  But it didn't stop there. Laurie asked George, who was a worker, "What do you and other workers (5)       ?" He said they could use some warm clothes. Laurie (6)       organized a clothing drive (衣服募集). In the end, she (7)      lots of T-shirts, sweatshirts, and shoes.
  Recently, Laurie was able to (8)       George and the other workers in Rochester, and she (9)      them to pick apples together. They're so (10)       to Laurie and her friends. Losing the wallet turned out to be a good thing, their friendship wouldn't have happened if the wallet had stayed in George's pocket.
17.从Ⅰ栏中找出与Ⅱ栏相对应的答语, 并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑.

(1)What do you think of this movie?       
(2)I think Tongren is a wonderful city.       
(3)How often do you take an English exam?       
(4)Sorry I'm late一the traffic was really bad.       
(5)Would you mind if I asked you a question?       

A. It doesn't matter.
B. Once a month.
C. It's perfect.
D. Of course not. Go ahead.
E. I couldn't agree more.
18.从方框里选择能填入对话空白处的适当选项, 并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑.
W: Good morning, doctor.
M: Good morning. Have a seat. What seems to be your problem?
W: (1)      
M: You don't look fine. Do you have a fever?
W: No. 1 don't think so.
M: (2)      
W: Since the night before yesterday.
M: (3)      
W: No. I always sleep well. But last night, I stayed up preparing for a meeting.
M: (4)      
W: Do you have any medicine to kill the pain?I have to go to the meeting this afternoon.
M: Sorry, I can't give you any medicine. Before the result comes out, you should have a good rest first. (5)      Staying up late is bad for your health.
A. Do you have a sleeping problem?
B. My head hurts badly.
C. I advise you to go to bed earlier.
D. How long have you been like this?
E. I think you'd better have a physical examination. 
19.Exhibitions for You!
A photo exhibition at the Cultural Palace of Nationalities in Beijing shows a beautiful view of the natural wonders in Zhangye, Gansu Province. The exhibition will celebrate Zhangye's past and its today as an example to protect the environment,
Date: 9:00 am﹣4 :30 pm, daily. May 1﹣ 31, 2022
Add: 49 Fuxingmen Nei Dajie, Xicheng district, Beijing. Tel:010﹣8319﹣5250. 
Olympic Fine Arts exhibition will bring together some 800 artworks, including posters, paintings, and photos in celebration of the spirit of the Olympic Games. The exhibition will show artworks from across the world. Date: June 1一15, 2022
Add: ME Center, 27 Xi Dawanglu Road, Chaoyang district, Beijing.
New Youth, an experimental art exhibitionto beheld in Jingdezhen, will show the development of experimental art education in colleges and universities. Works on show are from artists who majored in experimental art while in college.
Date: July 1一20, 2022
Add: Ceramic Art Avenue, 720 Xinchang Xi Lu, Zhushan district, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province.
Tel: 400﹣915﹣1221. 
Aimed at raising awareness (意识) of environmental protection of the country's longest river, the exhibition 2 will show the different aspects (方 面) of the river and its interaction with people who live along it.
Date: 9:00 am一5:00 pm, Tuesday to Sunday. Closed on Mondays. August 1一31, 2022.
Add: Shanghai Science and Technology Museum
Tel: 021﹣6862﹣2000. 
20.  When my daughter was around 14 years old, she began to ask if she could have a cup of coffee in the morning like Mom and Dad. Many kids and teens take in caffeine (咖啡因). The main source of this chemical is soda for children under 12. Even colas have lower levels of caffeine than tea or coffee.
  Kids and teens can get caffeine from many foods and drinks, including chocolate, chocolate milk and iced tea. What's more, some medicines that kids might take are important sources of caffeine. But coffee is the main source of caffeine among Americans 12 years and up.
  Based on my years of research, I'm confident that one daily cup of coffee won't harm kids over the age of 12 一 as long as they avoid all other sources of caffeine.
  That one cup of coffee combined (结合) with, say, a can of iced tea or soda, or a chocolate bar, could put kids over the daily limit of 100 milligrams of caffeine doctors suggest. Adults should aim for no more than 400 milligrams of caffeine, which they could get from four cups of coffee.
  Having too much caffeine can have many negative effects on kids. Some adults may tell kids that drinking caffeine will stunt their growth. There are two reasons why some people think that. First, caffeine can reduce the amount of calcium (钙) in your bones. Second, drinking coffee later in the day can reduce your sleep, so the idea was that less sleep would lead to less growth. It turns out that neither of these worries was valid (有根据的).
21.  Confucius (孔子) is considered one of the greatest thinkers and teachers ever. He lived in the city of Qufu almost 2, 600 years ago. His ideas are rooted in the history of ancient China, but millions of people still consider them as wise words. His teachings explain how to treat others well and live a good life.
  The Analects (《论语》) provides a useful account of Confucius's life and ideas. The title means"brief sayings" and Confucius is sometimes called the author of the book, but that's not true. No one knows exactly who collected his sayings and the stories that are told in The Analects. What's clear, though, is that some students of Confucius and later teachers wrote different parts of the book. Some sections were written long after Confucius died.
  The Analects is divided into twenty parts, often called books, and each book has a number of short entries﹣ some just a few words long. The book also names some of Confucius's students, as well as the people he met during his travels.
  Confucius's ideas about how to be a gentleman and live an honorable life were remembered long after his death. Some of his students took on their own students, so they could pass on Confucius's teachings.
22.  Many of us may have experienced the pleasant surprise of seeing recommended (推荐的) songs after you have listened to certain songs on a music app. When we open shopping websites, we are more likely to see things on the home page that we might want to buy.
  This is based on data (数据). Data is no longer only about numbers, but information from almost every part of our lives:our location, shopping habits and interests. All of this is called"big data".
  We should develop big data in order to better serve social and economic development and improve people's lives. The past few years have seen big data being used more often in China. The role it plays is becoming more and more important.
Big Data 
(1)We will see recommended (1)       on a music app. 
(2)When we open (2)      websites, we will see things we want to buy. 
(3)Big data is about (3)       from every part of our lives. 
(4)We should develop big data to serve social and economic (4)      
(5)Big data has been used more often and its role is becoming more and more (5)      
23.My       (梦想) is to spread Chinese culture all over the world.
24.He's not going to change, and you just have to       (接受) it.
25.The sentence is grammatically       (正确的), but doesn't sound natural.
26.You need to think very       (仔细地) about which school you want to choose.
27.The Spring Festival 2022 falls on Tuesday,        (二月) 1, 2022, beginning the year of the tiger.
28.Alexander Graham Bell i      the telephone in 1876.
29.Jack was so t      that he drank up a bottle of water.
30.Susan's h      include reading. cooking, and listening to music.
31.If you want to check how a word is spelt, look it up in a d      .
32.The population of this city has i      from 1. 7 million five years ago to 2. 1 million now.
33.Young children learn new words by listening to the speakers
around them. When a three﹣year﹣old boy hears the new word (1)      
that catch his interest, he may use it repeatedly for a day or (2)      
two until he understands it's meaning and feels comfortable (3)      
with it, He adds new word to his vocabulary because he (4)      
needs them to make himself understand. Children have an (5)      
easy time learning new words than most adults do. Young children (6)      
don't learn the meanings of new words by look them up. (7)      
They understand how new words mean by paying attention to (8)      
how they are using. You need to do the same. You need to make (9)      
your mind receive new words by active trying to understand them. (10)      
34.一年一度的"地球日"(4月22日)即将到来, 你受学生会委托为校宣传栏"英语天地"写一份倡议书, 标题为We Have Only One Earth.内容包括:
(1)词数80左右, 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数;
(2)句子通顺, 语意连贯, 符合逻辑;
(3)包含所有提示内容, 但不要逐句翻译, 可适当发挥;
(4)书写正确规范, 卷面整洁.
参考词汇:climate change, global warming, natural disasters
We Have Only One Earth
  As is known to all, Earth Day is on its way. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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