【2021-2022学年北京二中教育集团七年级(下)期中英语试卷】-第5页 试卷格式:2021-2022学年北京二中教育集团七年级(下)期中英语试卷.PDF
1.Mr. Jack often takes _____underground to the factory, but today he goes there by _____bus.
  • A. a;/
  • B. a;the
  • C. the;/
  • D. an;a
2.—Is this Linda's notebook?
—No, it 's mine. The thick one on the desk is ________.
  • A. she
  • B. her
  • C. hers
  • D. herself
3.The environment becomes better and better. _____ birds are coming back.
  • A. Hundred
  • B. Thousand
  • C. Hundreds
  • D. Thousands of
4.—When is Jay's concert?
—It's_____three o'clock _____the afternoon of July 18th.
  • A. at;in
  • B. at;on
  • C. on;in
  • D. in;on
5.—Do you have any plans for tonight?
—Yes, I _____at the new French restaurant in the city.
  • A. am eating
  • B. am going to eat
  • C. eat
  • D. eats
6.I am good at singing_____I want to join the Music Club.
  • A. so
  • B. because
  • C. or
  • D. but
7._____ meat do you want?
  • A. How many
  • B. What size
  • C. How much
  • D. What about
8.They_____their homework in about one and a half hours.
  • A. will finish
  • B. finish
  • C. are finishing
  • D. finished
9.Our cleaning monitor always _____a lot to make our classroom clean and tidy.
  • A. do
  • B. doing
  • C. does
  • D. did
10.He is an American, but he_____ speak Chinese really_____.
  • A. can't;good
  • B. can;good
  • C. can't;well
  • D. can;well
11.I like _____ baseball, but now I'd like _____ tennis.
  • A. to play; playing
  • B. playing; playing
  • C. playing; to play
  • D. play; to playing
12.—Excuse me, _____?
—Sure! Turn left at the second street and it's on your right.
  • A. what are you doing
  • B. could you tell me the time
  • C. what can I do for you
  • D. could you tell me the way to the nearest bank
13.  My little brother, Evan, is 12 years old.
  Most kids don't (1)       Evan at all. He has never been invited to the parties. Nobody asks him to do sports together. Too many people see only the ways Evan is (2)      . They don't see that in so many ways, he's just like anyone else. He loves video games, reading, and being outdoors.
  He was born 1. 5 weeks early and has something called cerebral palsy (脑瘫). He has problems with (3)       and speaking.
  Evan's cerebral palsy may make him seem different when you first meet him. He walks with braces (支撑) on his legs. And sometimes he makes sudden big sounds when speaking. It can also be (4)       for him to understand what other people are thinking and feeling. Sometimes that makes Evan (5)       too much. But he doesn't mean to take over (控制) the talking. Usually he's just really excited and doesn't want to lose people's attention.
  The way Evan looks and does things can sometimes surprise people or make them (6)       But think about this:When Evan was born, doctors said he might never walk or talk. He has worked so hard to be able to do these things. So what if he looks and sounds a little different when he does them?None of Evan's progress (进展) has come easy. He has had many surgeries (手术). He visits his (7)       each week, working on his legs and his speech. Now he's even able to help with some housework. As his sister, I am so proud of all that Evan has done.
  The next time you see Even, you can say hi to him. That way he wouldn't feel left out and he will face those (8)       in his life.
Is this your schoolbag? I found it on the playground. It's purple. There is an English book, a watch and a mobile phone in it. Please call Nancy at 8828651. 
I lost a Chinese dictionary in Classroom 5 A. It's red. It's a present from my father. I like it very much. And you can see my name on it. If you find it, please email me at james@163.com. Thanks for your help. 
Here is a black wallet. I found it in the library. A family photo, a student ID card and a ring are in it. Is this your wallet?You can come to Classroom5 D and ask Maggie for it
This morning I lost a blue pencil box in the library. I got it on my fourteenth birthday this year. There are two pens, some crayons and an eraser in my pencil box. What colour are they?The pens are black and white. The crayons are in all colours. And the eraser is white. You can call George at 8212651 if you see it. 
15.  There is a kind man Alex. He only has one son Mike. Mike works in a company. When time goes on, he gets many bad habits (习惯).
  Alex worries about his son. He tries his best to help him with the bad habits, but he can't succeed. One day he has an idea to give a lesson to his son.
  Alex goes to a supermarket. He buys some good apples and a rotten (腐烂的) apple there. He asks his son to put all the good apples and the rotten one in a box.
  Mike does as his father says. After some days, Alex asks his son to take the apples out. When Mike opens the box, he finds all the apples are rotten. He is really not happy.
  At that time Alex tells Mike to see how one rotten apple spoils (糟蹋) all the others. In the same way, one bad company can spoil all workers. The father's lesson has a great effect(影响)on the son. The son goes out from the bad company and becomes good again.
16.Okay to Eat?
  At least 50% of U. S. adults have eaten food off the floor. That's according to a 2017 Harris Poll. Many people use the five-second rule. The rule says that fallen food is safe to eat if it has been on the floor for less than five seconds. Can people really use the five-second rule to save a dropped sandwich?Or should they throw it and make a fresh one?
  Donald Schaffner is a professor of food science. His study shows that the five-second rule should not always be used. In his 2016 report, he says it's not wise to eat dropped wet food. The wet food takes in bacteria (细菌 ) as soon as it falls. "Bacteria don't have legs, they move with the moisture," Schaffner says. The wetter the food is, the more bacteria it soaks up (吸收 ).
  Anthony Hilton studied the five-second rule too. He is a professor of Life and Health Sciences. Hilton found that a dry food on the floor collects fewer bacteria than a wet food. Hilton also found that carpeted floors pass fewer bacteria than wood floors. Still, one should be careful. "Food that is on the floor is never completely risk-free to eat," he says. "But if you drop a dry food in your house, it's usually okay if you pick it up very quickly. Most clean homes don't have bad bacteria."
  Should you eat food that was dropped on the kitchen counter?Dr. Steven Dowshen is a doctor for children. He says that floors are not the only place that can make food unsafe to eat. "Kitchen counters can contain more harmful bacteria," Dowshen told TFK. This is because raw foods sometimes have bad bacteria called salmonella. These raw foods can be on kitchen counters. "If people eat food off a surface Lt has salmonella, they can get very sick," says Dowshen.
  With the five-second rule, the type of food and the place where it falls matter. So perhaps use this e instead: When in doubt, throw it out.
17.  Maybe you are an average student. You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not so necessary, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she does his or her best. Here are some tips to help you.
  Plan your time carefully. When you plan your week, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a plan of your time. First, design your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then, decide a good, regular time for studying. Don't forget to set aside enough time for entertainment (娱乐). A weekly plan may not solve all your problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time.
  Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials (资料). No games, radios, or televisions!When sitting down to study, pay enough attention to the subject.
  Make good use of your time in class. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teachers say. Really listening in class means less work later. Be an active listener during your class. Avoid distraction. Listening carefully can help you take better notes, understand the material, and remember it at a later date.
  Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes. Review the important points that your teacher mentioned in class. If you know what your teacher is going to teach the next day, to read that material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer.
  Develop a good attitude about tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won't end if you don't pass a test, so don't be too worried.
  There are other methods that might help you with your study. You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.
18.  Learning to understand your mother well is what you should do. Here are the best steps towards a better relationship with her. They are not necessarily surprising, but they have worked for many people. Try them.
※Remember your mother's ageAs children, we often do not think of our mother as having an age. Knowing our mother's age, not just in numbers of years but in terms of her psychological and physical state, often helps us to understand her better.
※Listen to your motherI have found that sometimes the things my mother told me long ago are pretty useful. If you respect her point of view, even if you do not share it, it will help your mother feel close to you.
※Ask your mother about your childhood history. If you are lucky enough to have living family, think of your life as a jigsaw puzzle and ask as many questions as you can to put the picture together. Understanding your roots and your childhood can help you know more clearly who you are, as part of a family which you share with your mother. 

  Taking any measure to understand our mother is the topic of how we understand ourselves. We should follow the way of her life. When we are able to accept our mother — with all her failings, we can understand her better and it can also help us to know about our shortcomings. Remember that understanding our mother is really about understanding ourselves.

19.根据中文和英文提示, 并联系上下文完成句子, 使之能够组成一篇逻辑清晰, 语言正确, 结构完整的短文.
五一假期将至, 学校的地理俱乐部要组织实践活动.假如你是李华, 你想邀请学学校的交换生Tony一起参加这次的活动.请你告知他俱乐部的活动的地点, 以及活动安排.
(1)What places does your club want to visit?
(2)What is your plan for this short tour?
提示词:make, walk around, enjoy, have fun
Dear Tony,
  During the May Day, our Geography Club will hold a practical activity (实践活动). (1)      (你愿意加入我们吗?) (2)      (我保证让这次游览有意思) and meaningful. Here is our tour plan.
  As the cultural symbol of Beijing, the Palace Museum is our first choice. There are a lot of ancient buildings to visit. We can learn about the history and culture of ancient China as well.
  I think it (3)      . (游览所有地方将花费我们半天的时间来) We are going to go through the North Gate of the Palace Museum and then arrive at our second destination ﹣Jingshan Park. (4)      (在那里野餐是个不错的主意) We can also climb up a small hill. To tell you the truth, (5)      of the beautiful views of the Palace Museum on the top. (你会享受在山顶上给故宫的美景拍照)
  If you are pleased with my plan, please contact me. (6)      together with you. (我正期待着和你度过快乐时光)
Li Hua