【2020-2021学年北京市海淀区九年级(上)期中英语试卷】-第5页 试卷格式:2020-2021学年北京市海淀区九年级(上)期中英语试卷.PDF
1.—______ you please tell us the way to the nearest park?
一No problem. Follow me, please.
  • A. Could
  • B. Should
  • C. Must
  • D. Need
2.一______ is the train ride from Beijing to Tianjin?
一For half an hour.
  • A. How many
  • B. How much
  • C. How long
  • D. How often
3.My sister ______ a model plane with my father in the yard now.
  • A. is making
  • B. will make
  • C. makes
  • D. made
4.He used to be quite shy, but he ______ a lot since he joined the acting club.
  • A. was changing
  • B. has changed
  • C. changed
  • D. will change
5.My father's birthday party ______ last weekend.
  • A. holds
  • B. will hold
  • C. is held
  • D. was held
6.一Do you know______?
一Next Sunday morning.
  • A. when will he visit us
  • B. when did he visit us
  • C. when he will visit us
  • D. when he visited us
7.Full Moon, Full Feelings
  Chinese people have been celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries. Mooncakes are in the shape of a full moon (1)            the Mid-Autumn night. They carry people's wishes to the families they love and miss.
  There (2)             (be) many traditional folk stories about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Chang'e is the most touching. Chang'e was Hou Yi's (3)             (beauty) wife. After Hou Yi shot down the nine suns, a goddess gave him magic medicine to thank him. Whoever took this could live forever, and Hou Yi planed to take it with Chang'e. However, a bad man, Pang Meng, tried to steal the medicine (4)             Hou Yi was not home. Chang'e refused to give it to him and took it all. She became very light and flew up to the moon. Hou Yi was so sad that he (5)            (call) out her name to the moon every night. One night, he found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there. He quickly laid out (6)             (she) favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. How he wished that Chang'e could come back!
  After this, people started the tradition of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families.
8.  A shiny coin sat in the grass. Cam saw it. Mac saw it. Cam picked it up. "A California quarter," he said, "Now I have quarters from all fifty states." Mac (1)       the coin from Cam. "Twenty-five cents," he said, "Now I have enough to buy ice cream today." Cam grabbed (抓) the coin from Mac. "Ice cream?" he shouted, "I've collected every (2)       from Alabama to Utah. I just need California!" Mac snatched (夺) the coin from Cam. "California?" he screamed, "Twenty-five cents buys a strawberry ice cream. I've never tasted strawberry." "Wait," said Cam. "We are fifty-fifty (3)      " Mac agreed. "Remember the cupcake last week?We cut it in half." "Fifty-fifty!" they both cheered. "Problem solved," said Mac. "We divide the quarter in half."
  "We can't cut a quarter in half," said Cam. "You're right," said Mac. "Besides," said Cam, "I need this quarter for my collection." "I just need twenty-five cents," said Mac. "How about finding twenty-five more cents for you?" (4)      Cam. "And I keep the quarter." "Fifty-fifty!" they cheered again. The boys (5)       the park all afternoon, but they found no coins. Cam and Mac sat down next to the wishing fountain. Ring-a-ting. The ice-cream truck turned into the park.
  "You keep it," said Cam. He tossed (抛) the coin to Mac. "For your ice cream." "No, it's yours, " Mac tossed it back to Cam. "For your collection." At last, they both cried out, "Let's toss for it." "Heads!" "Tails!"
  Mac tossed the coin (6)       in the air. The boys watched the quarter falling-PLOP-down into the wishing fountain.
  "Ice cream forever," screamed Mac. "So many coins," yelled Cam. "Wait a minute," said Mac. "Read the (7)      . Wishing Fountain. Each coin is a wish somebody made. We can't take away their wishes." "But you know what we can do?" said Cam. "Make a wish!" said Mac. They wished to (8)       best friends forever. "Fifty-fifty!" they both cheered.
9.The World's Fastest Trains
  Discover the high speed automobiles on tracks, the fastest forms of public transport in the world.
 Shanghai Maglev (磁悬浮列车) Shanghai (China) Having been put into use since 2004, this train transports passengers to and from Pudong International Airport every 15 to 20 minutes. The journey covers a distance of 19 miles in an impressive eight minutes or less. 
 Shinkansen H5 & E5 224 mphTohoku to Hokkaido (Japan) Japan's super fast trains are some of the most regular. The bullet trains (子弹头列车), speedier types of the country's first high-speed system, were first put into use in 1964, and they still go between Japan's cities in record time nowadays. 
 Italo and FrecciarissaMilan to Florence/Rome (Italy) If the impressive top speed isn't enough, this train is built using almost entirely renewable units. Journeys from Milan to either Florence or Rome are finished in less than three hours. 
 Jingzhang IntercityBeijing and Zhangjiakou (China) China can be proud of having the world's fastest driverless train, with one of the top speeds among trains around the world. This train was built to improve transport as China hosts the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. 
10.No Time
  Fifteen-year-old Chris waved her hand in dance pose with joy to show off her new painting to her mom. Her mom spoke quickly, "Sorry, honey, I am busy with an important talk. I will see it later."
  She frowned (皱眉) and turned to her dad. "Dad, see what I have done," Chris said aloud in a thrilling voice. Her dad turned around while putting on his coat, and showed his thumbs up! Immediately, blowing her two cheeks, Chris complained, "Dad, you haven't seen it yet."
  He smiled at her saying, "No time, baby. Will see it later."
  Her brother was only two years elder than her. He was always busy in his own dream land! She didn't feel like wasting her time trying to show him the painting.
  Chris stood there for a few seconds, and then stormed off to her own bedroom. She threw the paper on the table, banged the door and dropped herself on her bed. Looking up to the ceiling, she wove her anger net. "Why is everybody so busy?" As if every single person on this earth is busy in their own work and no one has time to share a single moment with her!Her own family members were also no exception.
  When her mom called her for dinner, she came late on purpose. She kept silent, and didn't look at anyone. Her mom was surprised to see the unusual behavior. Softly she asked, "Honey, are you OK?Did I do something wrong?" Chris was so angry that she ran away to her room.
  Next day, when Chris came back home, being tired of continuous work, she straight away went to her bedroom. When she turned on the light, she surprisingly found her oil painting was beautifully framed and put up on the wall. Just below the painting, it was written "We are so proud of you Chri, our little angel!"
  Chris was so happy that she hugged her mom tightly. Her mom said, "Honey! I am so sorry, dear! We would never say 'no time' for anything in future, whether big or small. Got it?" She kissed her mom on the cheek and said, "Yes, mama, got it. You are my sweet mom!"
11.  To achieve greater success, we must build good habits. James Clear gives advice on how to create better habits in his book, Atomic Habits.
  According to James Clear, the process of building a habit can be divided into four steps: cue (提示), desire, response, and reward. The cue causes a desire, the desire produces a response and the response provides a reward. For example, a phone buzzes when a message comes in, the buzz will arouse you desire to know what's in the message, the desire attracts you to give response by grabbing the phone and then reading the message, and then you know what's in the message, which is the reward. Over time, the brain connects the cue with the reward, so you reach for the phone once it buzzes, and now the habit is formed.
  James Clear also presents four fundamental laws to build good habits.
  First, make it obvious. Habits are automatic because our brains pick up cues and take action without thinking. To start a new habit, you can make your cues more obvious. To become more aware of them, you can write down your habits on a habit scorecard. Your plan of good habits can be marked with specific time or location.
  Second, make it attractive. Desires differ from person to person but they encourage the development of every habit. We take action only when we expect it to produce a reward. The more useful the action is, the more we'll repeat it, until it becomes a habit that we do automatically. Thus, to form good habits, we need to make them more attractive by connecting these habits with rewards and positive feelings.
  Third, make it easy. The response is the action you perform. If an action requires more effort than you are willing to put in, you won't take it. It also depends on your ability. A habit can be formed only when you are able to do it. The best way to build a habit is to practice it, and the best way to start practicing is to make it easy.
  Finally, make it satisfying. Give yourself a reward when you complete your habit. Rewards can not only satisfy your desire but also tell you which actions are worth keeping. Feelings of satisfaction can help your brain tell useful actions from useless ones.
  The key to creating good habits is to understand these fundamental laws. Every goal is sure to fail if it goes against human nature.
12.  Many students often choose to listen to music while doing their homework or studying for exams. But is listening to music a smart choice for students who want to improve their learning?
  Indeed, music makes life better in so many ways. It elevates (振奋) mood, reduces stress and eases pain. Music is heart-healthy, because it can reduce blood pressure and heart rate. It also connects us with others and deepens social relationships. Music can even enhance our enjoyment of challenging activities.
  But the effect of music on cognitive tasks appears not to be "one-size-fits-all". A new study by Manuel Gonzalez of Baruch College and John Aiello of Rutgers University suggests that for some students, listening to music while learning is a wise strategy, but for others, it is not.
  Whether or not listening to music will benefit your mental work depends on your personality-specifically, on your need for external stimulation (外部刺激). People with a high requirement for external stimulation tend to get bored easily. They often do worse when listening to music while engaging in a mental task, while people with a low need for external stimulation, on the other hand, tend to improve their mental performance with music.
  Moreover, before students decide to put on their earphones, though, they should carefully consider their musical selection. Complexity (复杂性) of the music seems to promote excitement, and it is suggested that a moderate level of excitement produces ideal performance. When there is too little or too much excitement, performance drops. Thus, the benefits of music for those with a low need for external stimulation could decrease or even disappear with the added complexity of music.
  Similarly, the rise in the complexity of a cognitive task might also reduce or wipe out the benefit of music. With a highly challenging cognitive task, even those with a low need for external stimulation may fail to show such an effect with music.
  The study brings to our notice that only with the right personality, music and task, can the presence of music significantly improve cognitive functioning. So next time when you want to switch on the music before you study, please think twice.
13.  Throughout history, most masks are made to change identity. Medical masks, on the other hand, are meant to protect. Here is a brief history of their evolution.
  17th century
  Doctors wore a uniform that included a headdress with a long, pointed beak filled with aromatics (芳香料) to stop bad smell and fight against contagion(传染)carried by bad air. The historical mask is on show in a museum in Berlin.
  19th century
  In an article in Scientific American in 1878, A. J. Jessup, a New York physician, recommended cotton masks to limit contagion during epidemics (widespread of a disease). However, his idea did not catch on.
  Early 20th century
  Researchers published the first study encouraging the use of medical masks in 1897, but they were uncommon at the turn of the century.
  In 1905, Chicago physician Alice Hamilton published an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association. "A student in a large medical college in Chicago told me that when the doctor talked to others during an operation, he could see a spray of saliva (唾液) coming from the mouth of the doctor," Alice Hamilton wrote, "so masks should be worn by doctors and nurses in every operation."
  During the 1918 global flu, medical workers usually wore masks to protect themselves, and many cities required masks in public. In Seattle, streetcars required all riders to have masks.
  In the 1920 s, masks became standard in operating rooms. Over the next century, medical researchers went on with experiment on designs and materials of masks.
  Post-World War II
  Because of the heavy air pollution, Britons had to wear "smog masks". As developed countries cleaned up their pollution, smog and smog masks moved to developing countries. Mask models such as N95 and KN90 became highly popular.
  As we can see, masks have been helping mankind for centuries. Wearing medical masks is widely believed to be an easy but effective method to protect oneself from different kinds of harmful things.

1. Is the historical mask on show in a museum in Berlin?
2. What kind of masks did A. J. Jessup recommend?
3. When did masks become standard in operating rooms?
4. Why did Britons have to wear "smog masks"?
5. What is the passage mainly about?
假如你是李华, 今天因为某种原因不能上外教 Mr. Green的口语课.请你写一个请假条, 给出合理的请假理由, 并说明你将如何补上落下的内容.
提示词: fall learning sheets(学习单), learn…by myself
●Why will you miss the spoken English class?
●How will you make up for it?
Dear Mr. Green,
  I'm sorry that I can't attend the spoken English class today.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
成长不是一帆风顺的.在人生的道路上, 任何人都会遇到困难和挫折, 就看你能否战胜它.战胜了, 你就是生活的强者.
某英文网站正在开展以"成长"为主题的征文活动.假如你是李华, 请用英语写一篇短文投稿, 谈谈你的成长故事.
内容包括:你曾经遇到的困难, 克服困难的过程, 以及你的收获.
提示词: be afraid of, communicate, more confident
●What difficulty did you use to have in your school life?
●How did you deal with it?
●What have you learned from that?
School life is colorful, but not always easy._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.