【2019-2020学年广东省广州市越秀区执信中学八年级(下)期中英语试卷】-第9页 试卷格式:2019-2020学年广东省广州市越秀区执信中学八年级(下)期中英语试卷.PDF
1.She ______ Maths for seven years since she ______ to this school.
  • A. taught; came
  • B. has taught; came
  • C. taught; has come
  • D. has taught; has come
2.After staying here for one year, you can speak Chinese ______ us.
  • A. as good as
  • B. as better as
  • C. as well as
  • D. as best as
3.Taking pictures ______ very interesting.
  • A. are
  • B. is
  • C. to be
  • D. being
4.No one enjoys ______ at.
  • A. laughing
  • B. to laugh
  • C. being laughed
  • D. to be laughed
5.They are too busy. They have to ______ Mrs Green ______ their housework.
  • A. pay; for
  • B. use; for
  • C. spend; on
  • D. take; to do
6.The man ______ from his seat and ______ a difficult question.
  • A. raises; to rise
  • B. raised; rose
  • C. rises; to raise
  • D. rose; raised
7.The cruel boss made the boy ______ day and night.
  • A. working
  • B. to work
  • C. work
  • D. worked
8.—I have studied for half a day. Can I stop ______ a rest?
—Sure. Then you should continue ______ an e-mail to your grandparents.
  • A. having; writing
  • B. to have; to write
  • C. having; to write
  • D. to have; writing
9.A big screen ______ on the front wall in our classroom.
  • A. are hanged
  • B. is hung
  • C. hanging
  • D. hanged
10.I didn't drive to work because my car ______.
  • A. broke down
  • B. was broken down
  • C. has broken
  • D. broke
11. Canton Porcelain (广彩) has a history of more than 300 years, dating back to the Qing Dynasty (1636-1911). Canton Porcelain became popular around the world (1)       its beautiful colors.
Xu Enfu is known as a Canton Porcelain master. Xu Junru, his daughter, showed great love for it when she was a little girl. She enjoyed staying with her father while he (2)       the porcelain painting. They think it's necessary (3)       them to add modern patterns to their pieces, so they mix modern techniques with a traditional touch.
Cartoon patterns, such as Hello Kitty and Doraemon, can be painted on the plates. This idea wins children's hearts. Their works are so wonderful (4)       they attract many foreigners. They decide (5)       this traditional skill to people around the world. A group of foreigners (6)       to join this Canton Porcelain workshop a few days ago.
They were (7)       to experience how to make Canton Porcelain.
Mansha said, "It is my first time to paint on a plate or porcelain. It's difficult for me to do the black line." Foreigners had about just one hour to finish (8)       patterns and colors for their own plates. Oxana challenged herself to paint the Canton Tower on (9)       own to remember her time in Guangzhou. Simon painted a Chinese character (10)       on the plate. It was a good idea that he made this plate for his grandma in the U.K.
If you are interested in it, you can attend the training class on making Canton Porcelain.
It is really good for you to send it to your family and friends as a gift!
12. In a history class, our teacher, Mrs. Bartlett asked us to make a poster (海报) in groups about the culture that we were studying. She told us to write the names of three friends we wanted in one group and she would think about our (1)      .
The next day, I was told to be in a group I would (2)       want — the boy who was too weak in English, and the two girls who wore strange clothes. Oh, how I wanted to be with my (3)      ! With tears in my eyes, I walked up to Mrs. Bartlett. She (4)       me and seemed to know what I was there for. I told her I should be in the "good" group. She gently (轻轻地) (5)       a hand on my shoulder (肩膀). "I know what you want, Karma, " she said, "but your group needs you. I need you to help them. Only you can help them. " I was (6)       and moved. Her words encouraged me.
  "Will you help them?" she asked. "Yes," I replied. Then I (7)       walked over to my group. I sat down and we started. Each of us did a part according to our interests. Halfway through the week, I felt (8)       enjoying our group. We did a good job together. My group members weren't thought to be good just because no one cared enough about them (9)       Mrs. Bartlett.
At last, our group got an A. But I think we should hand the A back to Mrs. Bartlett. She was the one who should truly (10)       it. Mrs. Bartlett brought out the potential (潜能) in four of her students.
13.  Two men were staying in the same room in a hospital. One man was sick and he could not even move his body or look around the room. The other man could move, but was also very ill.
  Over time, the two men became good friends. They shared lots of things together and even talked about what they hoped to do after they got better. But there was one thing about the room that was special for both of them. The man who could move would look out of the room's only window, describing the scenery outside for his friend. He told him about the people walking by, the weather, anything that might interest a man who had not seen the world beyond his bed for some time.
  One day, when a nurse came to check on the two men, she found that the man who often looked out of the window had died in his sleep. Sadly, she informed the other man that his friend had died and called for nurses to take the dead man away. The other man asked to be moved to the dead man's bed so that he could look out of the window himself. The nurses moved him to the other bed. However, the man found that there was no window at all, just a blank wall.
  The nurses explained that the dead man had been blind. He had never actually seen anything outside the window at all but he described beautiful scenes to encourage his friend. Sometimes all we need in life is a little encouragement, even if it comes from an unlikely place.
14.  The word photography was first used in 1839. However, at that time the subject (被拍对象) had to keep still while a picture of it was taken. Few people had ever tried to take photos of moving subjects. The first man to do so was Eadweard Muybridge, a world-famous photographer. He created the first moving picture.
  When a horse is running, do all four hooves (蹄) ever leave the ground at the same time? That was the bet that a gentleman called Leland Stanford had with some of his friends. Most people believed that a horse always had one hoof on the ground, but Stanford didn't think so. Because a horse's legs are moving so fast, it's impossible to tell just by looking. Stanford needed a way to record the movement of a running horse. In 1872, Leland Stanford offered Eadweard Muybridge $25,000 to find the answer. Muybridge had no idea if he could successfully set up and perform an experiment to settle (解决) the bet, but he thought he should give it a try.
  In 1878, after years of experiments, Muybridge got what he wanted. He had a sequence (连续) of 12 images (图象), and one of them clearly showed all four of the horse's hooves were off the ground at the same time. In the end, Muybridge collected his well-earned $25, 000 from Stanford.
  Though Thomas Edison is usually considered as the person who created the first cine-camera (电影摄影机) in 1889, it was the work of Eadweard Muybridge and the bet that led to Edison's invention.
15.  Lisa has been to Antarctica (南极洲). Here is what she wrote about the trip.
Tuesday December 2
  We planned to go to Rothera (罗瑟拉站) that morning. We would stay there for the next two weeks. Because Antarctica is the windiest place on the earth, sometimes you can't fly at all. We had a nervous wait over breakfast to find out if we'd be leaving that day. People have to stay in Stanley for weeks while the pilots wait for good weather. It turned clear at 9:30 and we took off at 10:30 on a little red plane called a Dash-7. But even when we were in the air, there was still a chance we wouldn't be able to fly. 
Wednesday December 3
  After waking up in Antarctica for the first time, I can understand why everybody who comes here loves the place. It is really beautiful. We are staying at Rothera Survey Base (基地) with mountains of ice all around. It's about minus 2℃ today. It is very cold, but the regulars (正式队员) here are often seen walking around in T-shirts. 
Thursday December 4
  I woke up to another beautiful sunny day here. It's a bit colder today, about minus 5℃, but it's not very windy so it feels warmer. Those of us who are new to the base have to do a special training course (课程) before we are allowed to go off the base to other stations or to go snowboarding over the nearby hill. 
Saturday December 6
  Not a cloud in the sky and it's warm enough to sit outside (in a jacket). The most wonderful thing about this place is how the scenery (风景) changes every day. At first I thought I was going mad (疯了). I'd step outside in the morning and think, "I'm sure that big mountain of ice wasn't there every day." It's because the sea ice is always moving — slowly and thankfully. 

16.  "Please don't travel to Wuhan unless it's absolutely necessary," Zhong Nanshan, a famous respiratory (呼吸科的) expert, reminded the public when the novel coronavirus first hit Wuhan. But despite the danger, he, 84, rushed on an overnight train to Wuhan to fight the disease.
  Zhong Nanshan is known as the hero who defeated SARS in 2003. His image and messages are flooding (遍布) social media. Many people say they "trust every word of Zhong". He has given Chinese people confidence in winning the battle.
A great doctor and honest scholar (学者)
  Growing up in a family of doctors, Zhong lives by a simple motto (信条): save lives and always be honest. In 2003, when SARS hit China, he volunteered to treat patients and asked his colleagues (同事) to send their most serious cases to him. After months of work, his treatment plan for SARS was adopted (采纳) by China and then the whole world, saving thousands of lives, People's Daily reported.
  Zhong is also known for being an honest scholar. In 2003, when authorities (官方) said that the SARS virus was under control, he publicly refute their claim. "I couldn't help myself. I said it's not all under control," Zhong said in a later interview. His honesty won widespread praise from the Chinese public.
Back to the frontlines
  Seventeen years later, Zhong is once again leading an expert team to study the novel corona virus. Although this new virus is known to be more dangerous to the elderly, Zhong doesn't seem worried about his own safety.
  On January 18, he took a high-speed train from Guangzhou to Wuhan. Two days later, he became the first expert to make certain that the new virus can be spread between humans. On January 29, he and his colleagues spent over four hours online checking five patients who were in serious condition. The next day, he chose the treatment for those patients. Under his guidance, his team developed a rapid test kit (快速检测试剂盒) for the disease that can show results within 15 minutes.
  As People's Daily wrote, "the 84-year-old Zhong Nanshan shows his professionalism as a scholar, courage as a soldier, and a sense of duty as the backbone (脊梁) of our nation."
17.  The world is full of great books, just waiting to read. (1)       Here are some tips.
  What makes you happy?
  If you have a favorite hobby, look for books about that activity. You're more likely to enjoy reading a book if you're already interested in its subject.
  Fiction or nonfiction?
  Some books are totally made up and imagined. (2)       Novels, short stories, and fables (寓言) are all examples of fiction. These books can bring you to another world or help you imagine something beyond (超出) your own experience.
  (3)       But that doesn't mean they are boring. Nonfiction books can bring to life everything from the first trip to the moon to what it's like to explore (探索) the deepest oceans.
  Try both fiction and nonfiction books to see which you like better.
  Find a family favorite.
  What was your mother's favorite book when she was at your age? Or your dad? (4)       Then you can ask them why they liked it and share your thoughts. It's a fun way to get to know your family a little better, and to find a book you'll enjoy!
  Ask an expert.
  Your local library is a great place to find books that you will love. (5)       Tell a librarian about your interests. Your librarian can help you find books that you're sure to love. Your teacher is another good person to ask.

A. Ask them and give it a read.
B. Those are called fiction books.
C. How can you pick one you will like?
D. Nonfiction books tell stories using facts.
E. You don't have to search all by yourself. 
18.It is a virtue (美德) to o             your seat to people in need on the bus.
19.Last Saturday, we o             a painting competition in our community.
20.He is not well-dressed, but we should not judge (判断) a person by his a            .
21.Chinese is a beautiful l            .
22.In many countries, n             one's head shows agreement.
23.There are more than 50 c             in the movie and I can't remember their faces.
24.They won the first prize not because of l             but because of the great effort they put in.
25.He is so tired that he r             some rest.
26.A             he is over 80, he keeps swimming for half an hour every day.
27.Can you tell me the m             of the word "COVID-19"?
28.You should learn how to impress visitors. (同义转换)
You should learn how to              visitors.
29.I don't know where I can find a better teacher than Ms. Zhao. (同义转换)
I don't know              a better teacher than Ms. Zhao.
30.The Olympic Games will be held in Japan in 2021. (同义转换)
The Olympic Games will              in Japan in 2021.
31.He had a serious disease when he was a child. (同义转换)
He              a serious disease when he was a child.
32.Kate looks after the cat every day. (改为被动句)
The cat              every day.
33.Tom's father gave him a new bicycle as the birthday present. (改为被动句)
A new bicycle              by his father as the birthday present.
37.大民通常在傍晚时分出发并让鸬鹚 (cormorants) 准备好工作。
39.假如你是李明,你和你的外国朋友 John 打算本周二去儿童医院做义工,你要给他写张便条,提醒他以下事宜:
集合时间:4 月 21 日, 早上 8 点
19 April
  See you there!
Li Ming